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Subject: Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us

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Date Posted: 11:02:13 02/22/25 Sat
In reply to: Amanda J. 's message, "Re: Reintroduction - Please Consider Updating Us" on 08:07:01 02/22/25 Sat


Yes, my daughter does spank them although I'd say not consistently enough. I think they both need a firmer hand and they get one literally and figuratively when I sit for her.

My two were both subject to spankings well into their late teens as was I for that matter. My son's last was as an 18 year old, he decided to stay overnight at a friends house without telling anybody he had my car but we all thought he'd be back at 11 or midnight. I called friends mother a few minutes past midnight who told me they were all staying over and she told the boys to phone their mom's and let them know over an hour ago before she turned in for bed.

He ended up coming in at 5:30 am which I thought was really strange since they'd been up late. I figured he'd just go to bed so I rolled over and went back to sleep for a bit.
I woke up about 7:00 am and went to the bathroom and noticed he wasn't in his room. Knowing his general nature I thought hmmm, I bet it dawned on him in the middle of the night that he hadn't called and he's probably moping around feeling guilty and he's waiting for his spanking.

Well ding, ding ding I was right he was apologetic and downright pathetic as he should have been. He got his spanking a serious one that was quite satisfying for me but it woke his sister up who was like what is going on in here?

My daughter did a little better than that she got her last spanking just before her 17th birthday.

They didn't get that many spankings as teens, but teen ones are definitely more memorable, for all involved myself included.

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