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Subject: Re: Fun bare bottom times with our kids

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Date Posted: 05:35:42 02/23/25 Sun
In reply to: Shannon 's message, "Fun bare bottom times with our kids" on 03:57:53 02/23/25 Sun


What a fun idea, for a thread I know a while back we have shared about this it good to get it back on the forum again.

We have over the years also enjoy birthday spankings, play spankings and when they wold walk around naked and when going to and from their bath or shower getting in pats and rubs on their bare bottom, their bottoms have always been were/are magnets to my hands, lol.

Here are some fun/ny times from the past with my boys that I have shared many times and I’m happy I can again.

Back in 2016 as I was taking Scott's pants down and off for a spanking he asked me if I could leave his underpants up, I didn't reply I just pulled his underpants down, as I was doing so he said "I guess thats a no." That struck me funny and as I put him over my lap I had all I could do not to laugh. I did smile while he was over my lap spanking him.

Bobby was having a bath if I remember he was 8 and I had already reprimanded him about water on the floor, to calm down. I left for a couple minutes and when I returned the floor was soaked. As I got towels to put on the floor I told him he was going to be spanked, he informed me he didn't do it, it was his invisible friend that I had to spank him, I had to keep from smiling as I replied how about I spank both of you. I wish you could have seen his reaction to my reply, lol.

Donny was 11-12 it was winter, about an hour after a spanking he asked me if he could go in the back yard and put his bare roasted bottom in the snow, Bobby yelled NOO!!! You'll melt all the snow.

One day we were in the produce department at Walmart, Scott found the two ripest deep red tomatoes, he pressed them together and looking at his brothers said "guys what's this look like?" "Its our butts after mom spanks us." Causing loud laughter from the boys, as I to chuckled. Another funny aspect to this is when I would be talking with friends and we discuss recent spankings the boys always blushed and ask me later why I have to talk about it. But there was Scott saying this out loud and they all laughed. After that first time there were many times one of them would put two tomatoes together and not have to say anything and they would laugh.

I have a wonderful memory concerning their bottoms and tan lines, this happened back in 2016. I have a record of it from an old email to Sarah and my notes that I have saved. Here it is.

I was sitting on the back porch with the boys the older two just wearing shorts, Bobby just underoos it was a beautiful warm late May night the sun had set it was dark, we had the lights off watching fire flies in the moon light, Bobby asked how do they do that? Scott pipped up and said its their butts glowing in the dark, all the sudden off comes Bobby's briefs and he runs out into the yard with the fireflies, the boys laughing away, then Donny and Scott joined in.

Just about all I could see were three brilliant white bottoms bouncing around with the fireflies, their little glowing white bottoms framed and accentuated by their tan lines seemed to glow, it was just too cute, lol. We live in a semi rural area with a high privacy fence so no neighbors saw anything as they ran around with the fireflies laughing their heads off, (my boys not the fireflies).

They did this quite a few times through early July, then they disappeared (the fireflies not my boys.) as we were on the porch the end the of summer they were bemoaning the end of summer and school starting the following week, Donny said "remember when we went running with the fireflies." Like an old man remembering a long ago accomplishment lol. Bobby quickly removed his briefs and ran into the yard Donny and Scott looked at each other and quickly joined in, there they were three glowing white boy bottoms/globes framed by their tan lines running around, they took turns running up onto the porch to give me a quick hug and back down and I would lovingly pat/swat their bare cute bottoms as they did :)

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Re: Fun bare bottom times with our kidsElizabeth09:30:40 02/23/25 Sun

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