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Subject: Re: Fun bare bottom times with our kids

Amanda J.
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Date Posted: 12:24:28 02/23/25 Sun
In reply to: Shannon 's message, "Fun bare bottom times with our kids" on 03:57:53 02/23/25 Sun

Hi Shannon,

Thank you for such a great and fun topic!

With Shaun’s 16th birthday approaching, please let us know how the birthday spanking goes!

I always have great bare bottom time with my boys. As Mary says, their cute bottoms are a magnet to my hands! :)

We do birthday spankings as well. My oldest does not seem to be as much of a fan now, but my youngest was when he turned 14. He did go over my lap and got his pajama bottoms lowered for playful spanks. The last couple of few were a bit harder, leaving some pink to his bottom.

I shared roughly six months ago that my youngest and I had been home alone and he was cuddled up against me watching the Mrs Doubtfire movie. Being right up against me, I gave his bottoms some rubs and pats over his pajama shorts. A bit later through the movie, he was more-so over my lap, engrossed in the movie. I certainly took that opportunity to rub and pat his bottom, even lowering his pajama shorts at times. It was great bonding time between mom and son.

To be honest, there is hardly a day that I don’t give my boys bottoms some sort of attention, even if just a playful pat or swat as they walk by.

Shannon, does your husband ever give playful pats/swats or birthday spankings to Shaun as well?

Thanks again for the wonderful topic!

Hugs, Amanda J.

>After sharing about us on Amanda's thread I wanted to
>expound more on the fun bare bottom times Shaun and I
>have had.
>When he was young after his bath or shower he would
>call to me as I was in the bathroom or downstairs and
>wag his bare naked bottom at me laughing and run off
>as I chased him and when caught I would put him over
>my lap for play spankings.
>He has enjoyed a few times coming down after showering
>or bath time if it was in the afternoon or evening to
>come down afterwards still naked and lay on the rug
>next to the fire or couch laying on his stomach just
>thinking or reading, I would take a seat next to him
>of course and enjoy the view giving it pats and upon
>getting up to leave give it a few firmer nice quick
>pats and a rub.
>Birthday spankings, learning of this tradition from my
>mil I started it when Shaun was 6 and we still have
>fun with it and will on his 16th birthday coming up in
>Please feel free to share any stories you want

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