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Subject: Re: Time to retry survey of my nagging questions about spanking

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Date Posted: 17:03:10 02/23/25 Sun
In reply to: Grumpy 's message, "Time to retry survey of my nagging questions about spanking" on 15:38:39 02/23/25 Sun


Here goes my baker’s (spanker’s?) dozen questions. Answer one, some or all.

1- It’s not a good old fashioned spanking (GOFS) unless…The child I am spanking is very animated and frantic with frantic pleas, yells and crying uncontrollably. A spanking is supposed to HURT! And Hurt a lot!!! Spankings should be unbearable for the child, they should Hate our spankings. They should come off our laps out of their minds, still crying uncontrollably at the tops of their lungs I also hear the hiccup cries, jumping around doing their best jig, hands madly rubbing their bottoms and upper thighs until their minds return and we can see that light go off when it does.

3- Who spanked longer or harder, mom or dad? Our mom was the only spanker Dad did not spank

5- Why a second spanking at bedtime? Their are times depending on the behavior and where they were when they earned a spanking, I will give a follow up spanking.

6- If you allow a babysitter to spank, do you tell them how? I had one sitter, Helen my closest and oldest best friend and she spanked how she wanted because if she had to spank I would spank them when I got home (a full spanking) for causing her to spank them.

7- Do you give traveling spanks down the hall or up the stairs on the way to the main event? That only happened a twice when Donny and Bobby were very young and ran away from me after I bared them and was about to take them over my lap, when I caught them I picked them up and spanked all the way back.

8- If you are a participant with other moms in a mass spanking, do you discuss how long, how bare, etc. No we all span k how we normally spank. The most was me and two other moms.

9- If you were spanked by your mom, do you do it the same way or did you change things? How? Our mom was a hairbrush only spanker, that was all I changed.

10- Did you change the way you did it based on advice from your mom or someone who thought you did it wrong? I kept spanking with my hand when they got older because I enjoyed the feel of my hand on their bottom, and the skin to skin contact.

11- What made it the worst spanking you gave or received? It depends on why, I have serious spankings and standard spankings, our mom had the same.

12- In your experience giving or getting, which was more effective, hand on the bare or hairbrush/paddle over clothes? Bare bottom of course.

13- Do you ever do/get “progressive” spankings, that is starting over clothes, then bare, or starting with hand them implement? Why? I start with my hand and then go to my brush, because as they get older a hand is not enough.

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