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Subject: Re: I spanked and soaped Jeff

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Date Posted: 09:19:29 02/20/25 Thu
In reply to: Amanda J. 's message, "Re: Spankings Given Last Three Weeks or Month" on 06:54:24 02/19/25 Wed

Jeff was introduced to a soaping two weeks ago today which he described as disgusting but when you deceive that is what you get.

Jeff had been mysteriously tired two or three times a week prior to the spanking and soaping. When he was asked by his mother about it he claimed that he just couldn't get to sleep the previous night then he'd have to fight all day to pay attention and not fall asleep at his desk.

Fast forward to February 5th when she gets a note from the teacher stating that Jeff nodded off during class that day. Jeff was asked again by his mother and she got the usual excuse that he just couldn't get to sleep, he didn't know why but he seemed to have the odd night where he just couldn't settle down.

His mother was considering arranging a doctor's appointment until the next day February 6th when Jeff busted himself.

I was babysitting after school when a friend of his calls him on the phone. I was working around the kitchen and kind of listening to him. They spoke of the upcoming Super Bowl, some gossip about people at school, then it was back to sports and a discussion of Utah's NHL team.

They got talking about Tuesday, Feb 4th's game against Philadelphia, when I hear Jeff say how Utah scored the overtime game winning goal just a second before the clock expired and he heard the whole thing on the radio.

Hmmmm I thought the only way Jeff should be hearing the overtime game winning goal is if it was an afternoon game and I doubted very seriously that that was the case especially since it was a Tuesday game.

I checked my phone and sure enough it was a night game. Jeff had been lying the mysterious not being able to sleep at night was really him listening to hockey games when he was to be sleeping.

I lathered up a washcloth for his soaping as he was still talking to his friend. I then went over to him and unbuttoned his jeans while he was talking. He was like grandma what are you doing did I spill on them or something?

No, I said you have been lying to your mother so you're getting a spanking and a soaping. He looked kind of confused but he said to his friend Josh I've got to go, see you at school tomorrow.

Grandma what did I do I can't lie to her when she's not even home yet?

Jeff you just said you heard the overtime game winning goal on the radio and that is way past your bedtime. You have been lying to your mom claiming you don't know why you've been tired.

He gave me his scrunched up nose look his oh no, look as I took down his undies.

But grandma I wasn't thinking about you hearing me when I said it.

I half laughed as I thought well how is that going to help your situation.

I heard it Jeff you confessed the truth whether you meant for me to hear it or not it is irrelevant. You broke rules and lied and you know what follows that, don't you Jeff?

I don't want the soap Lianne says it is gross. Plllease grandma not the soap.

To no avail I washed out his mouth with a nice soapy washcloth, he spit out and said grandma Lianne is right that was disgusting yuck.

Then I grabbed the wooden spoon out of the drawer and Jeff went over my knee on the couch. He got a more serious spanking than usual. His mother got home partway through and I told her why I was spanking him as I was spanking him.

Jeff cried and cried and squirmed quite a bit towards the end on my lap, I gave him one last rapid fire tour of his sit spots which got him wailing and he got off my lap and hopped around and rubbed his hot red behind for a bit then he went to cuddle with his mom. She settled him down and rubbed his bottom as she told him he deserved what he got and that he shouldn't lie and he shouldn't be listening to hockey games half the night.

She took the radio away from him and she has been checking up on him a lot particulary on nights that the Utah hockey team plays on.

He hasn't tried to listen since and the mysterious tiredness every two or three days has not occurred since.

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Subject Author Date
Re: I spanked and soaped JeffMary10:38:01 02/20/25 Thu
Re: I spanked and soaped JeffStephanie07:50:43 02/21/25 Fri
Re: I spanked and soaped JeffSarah21:13:19 02/21/25 Fri

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