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Subject: Spanking, mouth soaping Steven and my nephew Nathan

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Date Posted: 13:29:45 02/20/25 Thu
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was down" on 10:31:05 02/20/25 Thu


I love this, now I have a spanking itch again, lol. I am envious that you have those three young ones to watch over and spank when needed and at their ages its needed a good deal. I am also going to share spankings I gave while the forum was down.

My sister Jules had the flu this past weekend so I had my nephew here for the weekend and our SIL Shelly took her niece so she could just rest. Well Saturday I got to spank, yes I got too :) spank both of them, my son Steven is 18 soon to be 19, Shane is 15. For those that remember why I have had to spank these two so many times in the past it was for, you guessed it ‘video games’ my other nephew Shelly’s boy was home just getting over the flu.

Both of the swearing very loud and when they heard me quickly heading into the living room they looked shocked and started to apologize telling me it was an accident on and on. I ignored them telling them I was going to wash out their mouths then spank them.

I removed their top leaving their t-shirt on and walked them to the downstairs bathroom. I have copied Sarah and Mary’s technique for this. I also use a bar of Ivory soap. The bars of soap are only used for washing a mouth out and kept in a soap container. I lathered up a wash cloth with the bar then washed out their mouths Steven first and I washed them but good and I mean washed. I left them spit then brought them to the couch, told them to wait as I got my brush.

I then Worked their pants down and had them step out of them, while they stood unhappily but obediently before me. Then I took hold of Shane and it was a quick move to the side of my right knee, and he was down and over my lap with the couch beneath him.

My boys have always had wonderful dimpled rounded muscled bottom cheeks, face too, Shane as well bottom and face dimples. Both bottoms were Scandinavian white but they were both about to take a trip to “Red Bottom Land” I don’t know who said that in the past but it came to me as I was lowering my nephews blue boxer briefs.

A boy's underpants are the dividing line between the desperate retention of his delusions of autonomy and the harsh reality of his behavioral accountability. I wait to bare the bottom until they are positioned so as to maximize the embarrassment factor in my actually witnessing the bottom transition from clothed to bare and I lower them slowly, the methodical, maternal baring of a boy's backside.

I have never deviated from underpants being taken down just far enough to leave them bare from his waist to his knees. For me, the visual prominence lent to his upturned bottom by clothing above and below only intensifies my determination to spank - and to spank soundly!

The palm of my hand continues to be my favorite spanking implement. I spanked hard long and fast with my hand he was crying up a storm and was very animated and singing a spanking cry in high soprano, a good long hand spanking before going to my brush which had him wanting to be anywhere but over my ample lap. When I finally finished he was off my lap quickly jumping around rubbing is bottom and crying loudly for all he was worth and yes all modesty was gone as I told Steven to get over my lap NOW. He did with my help and I lowered his red boxer briefs the same as always.

Having their bare bottom spanked across his mother’s/Aunt’s knee definitely qualifies as a rude awakening for teen boys!

Yes the red face cheeks before spanking and then watching the bottom change color before my eyes as it goes from so white to pink to red and then deep red and well beyond. Then once of my lap Steven did his best dance of hops, skips and jumps while rubbing his bottom and sit-spots. Their was a good deal of tears and snot as well.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Spanking, mouth soaping Steven and my nephew NathanMegan13:48:19 02/20/25 Thu
Re: Spanking, mouth soaping Steven and my nephew NathanMary15:09:10 02/20/25 Thu
Re: Spanking, mouth soaping Steven and my nephew NathanStephanie08:03:48 02/21/25 Fri
Re: Spanking, mouth soaping Steven and my nephew NathanSarah22:35:11 02/21/25 Fri
Re: Spanking, mouth soaping Steven and my nephew NathanLois03:51:54 02/22/25 Sat

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