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Subject: Re: Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was down

Amanda J.
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Date Posted: 17:19:33 02/20/25 Thu
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was down" on 10:31:05 02/20/25 Thu

Hello Mary,

Thank you for sharing this! Great job providing Austin and Decker with exactly what exactly what they needed and deserved! You certainly have a very adequate warning, reminding them of the spanking just ten days prior. You were left with no choice but to spank!

I am so glad that Ashley was able to witness the spankings. I know she has seen them spanked many times and has even spanked Austin herself, but no doubt she enjoyed seeing you perform the needed task.

I love what you said about Decker having a handful of bottom with each hand when he came off your lap! My boys are the same way. Both their hands go immediately to their bottoms, as if hoping to extinguish the fire. At that point covering their fronts is of zero concern.

It is great that Ashley is so comfortable at your home. You truly are a second mom to her, in every way!

You are an amazing mom to your boys, their friends, Ashley and others. As I have told you before, I would more than welcome my boys under your care anytime!

Hugs, Amanda J.

>We had an ice/snow day Thursday Feb 6th and a snow day
>Friday the 7th, they called off school for Friday on
>Thursday. Austin and Ryan slept over Wednesday night
>and Thursday night so I didn't have to go out and get
>them and so their moms would have time to go slow to
>work as well as not having to bring them here or have
>me travel. Ashley slept over both nights as well, I
>have a kingsize bed and she has done that so many
>times her mom April is one of my best friends for
>those that don't know, Ashley has been in our lives
>since she was 7 and has been Donny's girlfriend for
>many years now.
>Ashley does love it here, I have a bigger house and
>she would rather be here, she can be with Donny much
>more than at her parents, there is no place for Donny
>to sleepover there either. Besides, there has always
>been a good chance of her seeing a bare bottom
>spanking here.
>I did spank Austin and Decker's "magical bottoms"
>(borrowing that from Dani) (both 11) the morning of
>the 6th for once again being a brats while playing a
>video game and once again not wanting to let Bobby to
>have his allotted time on to play, they get so
>involved with their game they were telling him just 5
>more minutes not even caring I could hear them from
>the kitchen. I went into the living room and asked
>Austin if he had forgotten the spanking he got for
>just 10 days ago for this same thing. He replied in a
>semi snotty tone “yes I remember” then in the next
>breath started to argue with me about it and that did
>not sit well and at the same time Decker threw his
>controller telling me I wasn’t fare. Oh I was livid.
>I quickly pulled them up off the floor one arm in each
>hand, Ashley was there and went straight away to my
>room to get my brush, they both pleaded as they sated
>in with the crocodile tears “Please don’t spank me
>bare (both saying this at the same time) in front of
>her.” I told them they earned their spanking right
>here in front of her and they would be bared and
>spanked here in front of her. I also told them she has
>seen them bare and spanked many times, but that
>didn’t make them feel any better. Ashley came back
>down brush in hand as I was baring them. Both boys
>seeing the brush and her standing right there burst
>into real tears and crying.
>I took Decker first, got him in position and spanked
>away with my hand, hard and fast enjoying the feel of
>my hand on his beautiful baby smooth round bottom and
>each spank had him crying harder and in hysterics and
>trying his best to get his arm out of my hand to block
>his bottom and get off my lap but I had no trouble
>holding his body in place and spanked till my hearts
>content, he was so loud and I had not yet started in
>with the brush he also didn’t waist any time yelling
>I then paused and reached my hand out to Ashley as she
>handed me the brush as Austin was crying watching the
>exchange. From the start of the brush portion on
>Decker’s already red and very sore, burnt bottom
>there were no more words, it had him screaming at the
>top of his little lungs, both boys screamed the walls
>down when spanked with the brush and were totally
>beside themselves with fear I was not going to stop
>and how much it hurt and let us know with their
>shrieks and body animations.
>Once off my lap Decker had each hand full of a bottom
>cheek as he danced around. Austin was in full on
>crying hard mode as I took him over my lap, not able
>to even talk just crying, I took my time getting his
>bottom where I wanted as he right away reached back to
>block his bottom, grabbing his wrist/arm I pinned it
>to his back as he flexed and relaxed his stark white
>round bottom. He got the same thing as Decker, and I
>again I so enjoy the feel of my hand sinking it hard
>into his crisp baby smooth bottom and then his upper
>thighs. The brush had him screaming the walls down as
>well, both bottoms and upper thighs were a good shinny
>apple red when I finished with them. Austin did his
>little dance then, sat next to me and sobbed hard,
>Decker was sitting on my lap as he climbed on as soon
>as Austin got off my lap. I went through a lot of
>Kleenex and had to change my t-shirt from all the
>tears and snot. They both later complained how
>“bad” their spankings were, that their spankings
>went on forever, that my spankings are “way longer
>and way worse” than their mommy’s spankings.

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Re: Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was downMary17:55:58 02/20/25 Thu

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