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Subject: Re: Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was down

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Date Posted: 02:07:56 02/21/25 Fri
In reply to: Mary 's message, "Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was down" on 10:31:05 02/20/25 Thu

Mary, Delightful account! Remind me of the boys' ages? I loved the part about them begging in stereo "not to be spanked bare in front of Ashley."
Watching a boy whimper his worst fear - a witnessed spanking - adds much to the tension. And having you flat out tell them "too bad"

I remember being at my college friend's house when her 12 and 14 yr old brothers were spanked in front of us. In t-shirts and under pants in the living room their mom took the youngest's underpants down while he begged "no no mom no not here!" for an Otk spanking with a wooden spoon.
He squealed squirmed bawled and bucked then did a wild spanking dance, howling and rubbing.

I could see his older brother blush ing weeping holding onto the seat of his undies - seeing me watching his little brother's hopping.
"MOOM!" he moaned, "Not like THAT! Please don't spank me like THAT! Not in front of HER!" as he saw me smirking at him.
"Don't pull my pants down please don't don't no mom not bare not bare don't let them see EVERYTHING!"

His mom snapped, "your brother got his bare buns blistered and so will you," as she reached for the boy's underpants. "But...but.."he stammered obviously horrified because we could see a lump pressing out which made me smile more
in anticipation of seeing this young boy out of his underpants!

Just over all more dramatic when they beg plead for modesty when that's the last thing they will be feeling long before their spankings are done.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was downAmanda J.02:09:00 02/21/25 Fri
Re: Spankings I gave Austin and Decker while the forum was downMary08:39:32 02/21/25 Fri

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