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Date Posted: 2024-12-22 14:25:04
Author: Anita (impressed)
Subject: Being a mother of all-year barefoot children
In reply to: Deodand 's message, "Winter" on 2024-12-14 01:20:14

As a child I enjoyed going barefoot at home and outside when it was warm and pleasant, in the spring, summer and nice autumn days. But in winter I only dared it less than a minute, I found the snow painfully cold!
So I’m quite positively surprised and impressed by my own children who all have the dedication to go barefoot all through winter. I actually encouraged them when it was warmer but I always left the choice to them, as it cooled down they kept encouraging each other and now they all say it’s enjoyable especially in the new snow. It’s quite remarkable how strong their circulation is, visible by the vivid pink colour their naked feet take as they spend a considerable time playing in snow with their friends in snow boots, or as we spend hours together in town (while I wear my cozy warm shoes). And when they come home their feet have a pleasantly warm afterglow.
For me as a parent of course it has practical advantages: I don’t have to to shop for footwear for the changing seasons, measure feet, keep shoe sizes in mind and make sure it still fits, taking bored kids to a variety of shops to try on shoes several times a year. When entering our house nobody will stumble over a pile of children’s shoes and there are no dirty socks littering the floor of their rooms, having to be washed, dried and sorted. There’s quite a cost advantage too but of course I’m willing to spend whatever it takes to have my dear children grow up healthy and happy (we’re spending the amount on other goodies). When we go out they’re always ready immediately, just putting on a pair of legwarmers and grabbing a jacket. They all learned to check their feet when coming in and wash them if necessary (the bathroom isn’t far from the door).
I used to think going barefoot was good in mild temperatures and on soft natural ground. Now my children do it everywhere, all around the city and all year even in winter. Their feet are as healthy as it gets, walking on asphalt every day gives them smooth leathery pads where their soles touch the ground. So it’s obviously good to do it at this scale, at least once you figure out how much cold you can take.
Sometimes I meet others who are skeptic about it, especially in winter. They have to be convinced that my children are fine and happy and it’s their decision, walking barefoot doesn’t harm them, they developed the tough feet to move painlessly with a cheerful smile across gravel and ice.
Do you have that too, do others say it’s irresponsible to let your children go barefoot in winter? During a checkup their doctor said they have among the strongest feet of their age group, so we have it from a professional, we’re doing the right thing and the children are happy and thankful for it!

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