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Date Posted: 2025-02-16 02:19:01
Author: Daniela
Subject: Re: history?
In reply to: cc 's message, "history?" on 2025-02-15 16:24:55

Hello, my daughter Rita will soon be three years old and has never worn solid shoes in her life. As an enthusiastic mother I want to give her the best childhood possible which means plenty of fun experiences, meeting other children and living outside in garden and nature, the ability to choose her favourite activities, finding out new things every day, living out her need to move and keep active.
So our focus is not on instructing her to sit still and do as told. We are both spending plenty of time with her, but we are finding out she also starts to get independent and likes to do things without parental supervision.
It was my idea to keep her diaper-free as much as possible (that worked remarkably well) and to let her live barefoot everywhere (if possible: she needed warm socks and mittens only outside on the coldest days of winter). That's part of an awesome childhood (I remember some barefoot moments of my own childhood and I want to give her more such moments).
Going out with her in spring, summer, into autumn let me to rediscovering the joys of barefooting too, soon she actually proved to be tougher than me, choosing to go barefoot until it's freezing and even going out in snow a bit. I made sure that her feet are fine, with no pain or signs of frost damage. The effects are enormous, she has a splendid circulation and robust health, she walks and runs steadily, learning to climb trees and she's quite strong for such a little child. When it's sunny and cold outside she will wear her legwarmers, jacket and wool hat, enjoying herself barefoot while I wear shoes. Somehow a cheerful barefoot child brings a smile on everybody's face, she's our little sunshine!
We are all barefoot at home all the time. For Rita bare feet are normal and shoes are what adults wear outside. That's how we decided to frame it and that's how she likes it best. In summer a number of her friends go barefoot as well, in colder seasons she's the only one but that's no big deal.
It's great that you consider this lifestyle for your children, it's certainly a gift because it brings so many more tactile experiences (besides the practical aspects of not having to keep track of shoe sizes, to wash, dry and sort shoes and socks ...) I recommend to spend time barefoot with them during the first years so you feel the same things and can teach them about where it's pleasant and what might be dangerous to step on. Rita is splendid in that regard, going over rough pavement and gravel with no difficulties, at the end of a day in town her soles will be black (a sight all parents of barefoot children quickly get used to) but totally unharmed, soft but tough leathery skin.

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