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Date Posted: 2020-06-17 01:29:33
Author: Susan
Subject: Fitting shoes (or rather avoiding them)
In reply to: Sandra 's message, "Re: Home office time" on 2020-06-16 23:12:27

>Anita, I fear you are quite right and I'll be at the
>shoe store come late November with three barefoot kids
>trying on shoes for winter and even then they'll
>hardly ever wear the dreaded things choosing to be
>barefoot themselves.

I know the trouble. What children like trying on new shoes? Certainly not mine. So we are all glad to keep that to an absolute minimum. It's hard to find a pair they tolerate ...

But they are quite witty. "Mum, we don't need shoes, save the money, let's have ice cream instead!" Said during a city walk yesterday as we came along a shoe store, yes we did have a refreshing ice cream break.
I also observed how attentive they are both when they walk: they pointed out little pieces of broken glass and other obstacles on the sidewalk and managed to avoid them all, they are certainly not carelessly stepping into things! (I wore sandals so I didn't give the ground that much attention.)
And they are so enduring! I never heard "Mum I'm tired, I'm bored, I want to go home ..." They even followed me along on an extended grocery shopping round on the way home. Splendid to see their bright smiles and as they often go ahead, watch their tough little black soles merrily run and skip across the pavement.

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