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Date Posted: 2021-12-14 01:35:07
Author: Veit
Subject: Responsible freedom

Parenting, childraising, one could write books about it (and many books have been written). I'll try to be brief.
We're self-employed, both working in an office at home, two kids of five and seven years now.
Our parenting goal is raising responsible individuals capable of taking good decisions and finding their own way, all while having a wonderful childhood they will remember fondly all life long.
To get there, we don't emphasize obedience and we don't set an all too narrow path for them to follow. We do give gentle guidance every day. Talking a lot about what's right and wrong and why. Not just talking to them, always listening to their point. And we give them a choice whenever possible.
Whenever children aren't capable of seeing the consequences of their decisions, parents will have to decide for them. So there's no absolute freedom ... just like in society.
Children won't do what parents say, they will do what parents do. Parents should always be aware that children will observe and imitate them. Treat others as you wish to be treated, treat your children as you wish your child would treat others. Never do to a child what you don't want a child to do to anyone else.
We give our kids a lot of freedom, your personal liberty only ends where it gets in the way of the freedom of others.
We raised them mostly diaper free because we think it makes no sense to learn to shit your diaper and then unlearn just letting loose while you wear something. Potty training went smoothly, in the summer they went naked around the house or wore just a T-shirt so there was nothing in the way when they had to go, in colder season we gave them "BabyLegs" (legwarmers) instead of pants allowing them to go bare butt (at home anyway). They're now pretty free to choose what to wear, at home they're always barefoot (and most of the year outside too), they're still ok to go nude before/after bedtime, we don't believe in taboo there - they do know certain parts of their body should be covered outside because of what others think or don't want to see.
Now we sometimes get surprised looks from others when our kids play around barefoot "out of season", even on sunny december days wearing sensible outdoor wear from ankles up ... They're completely happy doing that and enjoying the advantages of running around freely, sneaking quietly, climbing, jumping and feeling their world better than others. It's a lot easier for us parents too, no dirty little socks that need to be washed and sorted, no shoes in the way that will get too small too quickly! One sensible pair of winter shoes for each, every winter, that's enough.
They're also free to find their own rhythm of sleep. Waking up with sunrise, and after they go to bed, us parents just read silently in the living room without disturbing them.
Now the older has to live with primary school's timetable and we're getting her used to adjust to the rigid timing of when to be at school.
Another important aspect is level of involvement. We certainly don't micromanage every aspect of a child's life, though we make proposals and give our ideas. We try to include an hour of family quality time every day (more on weekends) when we do what is fun to all, there's a great variety of that.
Living in a small town allows us to let our children walk to school on their own and play outside by themselves without constant supervision. We chose our home so it's close to school, having to drive them around would be major headache.

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