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Date Posted: 2022-01-02 02:50:03
Author: Alby
Subject: Your feet are your best shoes (especially for kids!)

Happy new year 2022 all.
As I already mentioned, for kids it's always appropriate to go barefoot, children with naked feet can cheer up kids and adults alike!
Not only in casual everyday situations but a smartly dressed girl or boy at a special occasion is particularly adorable and/or cool when wiggling free toes.
There's nothing shameful about going barefoot (at any age). That said, there's still the idea that having to go barefoot out of poverty is a terribly embarrassing thing. But does it have to be?
Anyone could afford cheap, low-quality shoes for a few units of your local currency. Those however do more bad than good, they often don't fit well, they are of questionable materials that may irritate the skin more than anything on the floor would, they make feet sweat and smell terribly, they simply don't feel good.
The thing is, the more you go barefoot, the more your feet become your shoes, the best shoes imaginable, suitable for all situations, fitting perfectly, letting you perform greatly whether you run, climb or dance, and the most comfortable and best feeling imaginable. Tough, strong and well-conditioned feet are worth so much more than any pair of shoes money could buy, they are a gift that all parents can and should give to their children, by simply encouraging them to use their bare feet as much as possible, wherever and whenever they can.
Still it's sometimes not possible without shoes; children should go out and play even on cold winter days. In those areas that really get cold temperatures they should get a pair of sensible, flexible winter shoes that just give protection from cold and traction on snow and ice, well-fitting and of good quality. But for the rest of the year it's not a sign of neglect if parents who aren't swimming in money encourage their children to improve their own feet rather than buying them lots of low-quality shoes that they will grow out of anyway.
So as spring is coming, and it's sometimes coming at unexpected times, I'm writing this in an unusually mild early January, why not tell your kids: Let's go out and enjoy the nice day, you don't need shoes, it's so much nicer without, an unforgettable experience! There's a chance that they will soon forget about footwear alltogether until the next winter comes ...
And why not tell your parents, no I don't need shoes, trust me, I know to watch my step, I won't get hurt, I'm getting strong and better and better? They might think it's a quirk but certainly an adorable and admirable one! Barefoot kids are stronger and tougher, they get to feel what others don't!

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