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Date Posted: 2022-07-28 03:04:04
Author: Zumba
Subject: Re: I am curious to know more about your lifestyle
In reply to: Anita 's message, "Re: I am curious to know more about your lifestyle" on 2022-07-27 03:17:59

>Hello there Zumba!
>We see it as a healthy and enjoyable thing that's very
>easily integrated with everyday life. As adults we
>might sometimes feel out of place as the only ones
>barefoot, but for the children, not giving a thought
>to footwear all day long is just a natural thing.
>Wherever we show up with three barefoot kids in summer
>it's absolutely no problem and if anything, gets a
>smile out of others. Other kids are sometimes curious
>and a few of them want to try the same (with mixed
>reactions by their parents, some aren't ready to let
>their child go barefoot even if others obviously do it
>with no problem, they're overly afraid of injuries).
>I'm sure that walking barefoot everywhere made their
>feet a lot stronger and tougher, also easily
>withstanding the hot road surface on sunny days. They
>also never have "ice cold feet" even when sitting
>still for a long time. Within a few years they
>developed nice arches standing out against their
>toepads, balls and heels blackened by the road in
>city, a look they now see as an expression of fun and
>Speaking of dirt, most of it is easily scrubbed off
>with a brush. Occasionally they walk right through the
>mud with a grin, knowing all the others would get in
>trouble for making their shoes dirty ... Mud is easily
>cleaned off with water and our kids know they
>shouldn't go into any shop or home with muddy feet so
>they only do that when they have a way to clean it off.
>And how do you do it, do you have children of your own?

Personally I don't have any children of my own. However, I have noticed that in my family, the children are more and more adept at this practice. They are more and more barefoot and everywhere. The other day they decided to go barefoot in town for example. They were really happy and proud of themselves after the walk. That's why they will do it more and more. Their soles were black when they arrived which seemed to amuse them. Moreover, the parents were happy to see the good things done by this practice barefoot. That's why I'm interested to know how this way of life is perceived by others.
And by the way, did you live barefoot all year long? And you as adults do you go everywhere barefoot? Are your children barefoot every day? Do guests have to be barefoot in your home? Do they like to have dirty soles like in my family or what is the best comment you have ever been given?
I know it's a lot of questions, sorry :)

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