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Date Posted: 2023-07-29 01:11:30
Author: Hugo
Subject: Re: 4 barefoot children in the family!
In reply to: Jiuk23 's message, "Re: 4 barefoot children in the family!" on 2023-07-28 13:47:13

Hi, Jiuk,
it seems like a lot of parents are afraid their children might get injured (or when it's cooler "catch a cold" which is rubbish when I look at the robust health of all my children).
So they tell them to put something on their feet whenever they go out.
When these children then meet our family, our kids show them it's fun, easy and not that risky to go barefoot everywhere.
Hearing different things can hopefully get them to form their own opinion and not just do what they are told!
At some places I see most children getting rid of their shoes and socks, such as the playground which has fine sand on the ground or when climbing trees. And our garden of course, a couple young visitors didn't bother to put their shoes back on for the way home and my younger son's friend is now also leaving home barefoot, at least on hot summer days, there you see our influence...
One friend of my oldest daughter curiosly walks around in her socks outside, taking them off when she comes in; she says it protects her feet from the hot ground. If you ask me it's just a waste of fabric but to each their own.
Within a few years my children's feet have developed from tender soft baby skin to smooth leather soles, and they can walk on burning hot tarmac with no injury or discomfort, it's amazing!
There have been a few thorns, broken glass stuck in soles, stubbed toes ... It heals in a few days, it's a lesson to be more careful and certainly not a reason to stop walking barefoot.
Of course their soles get as clean or dirty as the ground is, they also love to splash in fountains, water streams and puddles, getting clean naturally. When they come inside or visit friends they make sure to wipe their naked soles clean and before bed they scrub off the day's residue.
When we go to the city and it's a dry day it's actually cute and neat how their toes, balls and heels are blackened where they touch the ground, standing out against the pale arches and suntanned tops of their feet. As parents we certainly don't complain and we know their feet are still cleaner and washed much more often than everybody's shoes!
We don't try to rival our dear children in terms of toughness though, in most of those places walking barefoot is their thing while us parents come along in sensible shoes, we do walk barefoot at home and in our garden though.

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