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Date Posted: 2023-10-16 14:05:49
Author: Anita
Subject: Re: Who loves dirty feet the most?
In reply to: Logan 's message, "Re: Who loves dirty feet the most?" on 2023-10-16 12:51:44

>As for the city, I still have a little trouble.
>I'm not as experienced as all of you lol.
>This is also the reason why I inform myself in order
>to evolve.

With my children (and all of us actually) it's just like this, we go barefoot whenever it feels good!
When they were very young they were still mostly in the baby buggy when going out (no shoes required then), in the house barefoot was the obvious choice and as they learned to walk I also didn't see a reason to put shoes on them, at least in summer. Luckily they didn't get hurt so we gradually expanded that into autumn, starting again next spring ...

>I also have a 7 year old son. I start to introduce him
>little by little and he seems to enjoy it.

That's a great idea, the best way if he's not used to it yet is to go out barefoot together on nice days. Just tell him to say when he gets cold feet.

>Do your children have foot accessories like rings or

I guess my daughter might be interested, she's the most "style-conscious" of the three! But I guess she won't wear her jewelry when playing outside, more like when she goes to a dance or other nice event.

>Have you ever taken public transportation and gone
>barefoot to the supermarket like me?

Yes. At first it felt odd to take the underground with barefoot children with pitch black soles but ... hey they didn't get hurt, they enjoyed it, there's no rule against it so it's become a regular habit.

> Do you have pets that you walk barefoot?

We have a cat who goes out on her own.

> The parents of your children's
>friends don't say anything when they come back with
>dirty feet?

Inside they don't get particularly dirty. But when our youngest son had a garden birthday party on a nice summer day of course all the kids were barefoot and some of them didn't want to put their sandals back on for the way home. I guess they had something to scrub off ... At least some of them are now occasionally seen barefoot outside on hot days as they play in the neighbourhood. We're the most consequent though, not forcing anyone but just not telling the children it's probably too dangerous in the city or anywhere ... That's a matter of trust, to know they can take care of themselves!

> Finally, is the youngest as often barefoot
>as his brothers and sisters?

Yes, he started on the same day and there's a kind of group dynamic that means they're pretty much all barefoot once one of them starts. His feet are softer to the look and touch still but can handle everything equally well!

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