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Date Posted: 2023-11-09 01:05:17
Author: Daniela
Subject: Re: Not owning shoes
In reply to: Will 's message, "Not owning shoes" on 2023-11-06 23:36:32

Some news about my little toddler who never owned shoes:

Rita is now one year and eight months old, walking, talking, playing and developing wonderfully. She never had shoes on her feet, though some time in last winter she had socks (outside in the stroller). She didn't particularly like it and now after a long barefoot summer she stubbornly refuses to put anything on her feet.

I read recommendations that children should be introduced to shoes once they walk steadily or for their first winter, but obviously she thinks otherwise.

I respect and support that. In the warm season I went out barefoot together with her at every opportunity. That way she turned me into an experienced barefooter as well ... even at such a young age it's not just the children who learn from the adults giving examples but it can also go the other way.

Now that it's cooled down significantly I notice I can't stand it that long on cold ground so I wear my warm shoes again but obviously Rita is fine, she's cheerful, her feet are warm to the touch. Sometimes when she steps on something unpleasant there's a brief unhappy moment but there has never been any injury worth mentioning even though she walks barefoot everywhere: not just in the garden and park but also on the city roads, public transport, to all the shops we go. I think it's best to experience all those surfaces right from the beginning, it's the best age to learn and adjust naturally.

When we go out I help her into her warm pants, legwarmers and jacket, putting a cute beanie cap on her head and a scarf around her neck, but her hands and feet remain free. So cute and confident! We get some surprised looks but Rita now has such a disarming smile and laughter that nobody can be upset at any of us ...

Just in case she can't cope with the cold I have mittens and socks in the bag but never really needed them yet. It looks like it's better for her if she's not getting used to footwear, and maybe she can grow into school age without ever having worn shoes ... Or even longer if I look at some of the stories here.

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