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Date Posted: 2023-12-08 02:29:48
Author: Hugo
Subject: Visiting the christmas market

Yesterday it got a few degrees above freezing, while there's still plenty of snow around.
We went on the christmas market with the whole family, our four kids all wore red christmas hats and their warm jackets, pants and legwarmers, they had great fun doing it all barefoot over the course of an hour. We sure got a lot of surprised looks, especially from other children in their winter boots who couldn't believe someone goes barefoot and is healthy and happy without getting sick. (No we all know it doesn't make you sick as long as your toes are kept warm from inside!)
They are already well-known all around their school, where they go barefoot every day.
Back home we talked about how it feels, while we checked out their feet that were all tough and glowing warm to the touch, without any sign of injury or frost damage.
My younger son said he finds the gravel and salt a bit annoying, trying to wipe it off when he can, but the cold didn't bother him.
The younger daughter said it's just awesome as feet warm up all by themselves, plus she loves the soft feeling of new snow.
Our older daughter said she just loves the look of her naked feet peeking out from under her cozy warm clothes, and feeling the cold ground with her soles makes her happy. (I agree they are all so adorable wiggling their bare toes in the snow!)
And the older son pointed out how easy everything is when you can walk right through puddles and piles of snow without a worry, also bare feet are cleaned easily of snow and dirt.
None of them seemed to have any particular discomfort staying an hour out in temperatures slightly above freezing. It's different when it gets much colder, then their barefoot time outside is limited as well, or they put on their socks.

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