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Date Posted: 2020-06-04 00:45:19
Author: tiptoe
Subject: Re: parents
In reply to: Sandra 's message, "Re: parents" on 2020-05-26 00:00:16

>most places of work wont allow bare feet and
>some places will frown upon barefoot adults but allow
>barefoot children.

Yes, then parents could say unfortunately their work forces them to put on shoes but their children luckily don't have the same restrictions.

(Luckily I'm self-employed so I can go barefoot all day even as an adult.)

Allowing barefoot children but not barefoot adults? That can't be for safety; a barefoot adult is in no greater risk than a barefoot child.

>in some
>countries even the school encourages bare feet.

Would be nice but in many other places they either have dress codes requiring shoes or children who dare to come barefoot face public shaming by teachers ("Irresponsible, disgusting, improper, unhygienic!")
Not everyone wants to be exposed like that, even if they aren't breaking a written rule.

>My own daughter and two sons are barefoot everywhere
>none of them have had anything on their feet in a year.

Good for them, they certainly develop strong healthy legs and feet and a good circulation. Have they ever had injuries?

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