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Date Posted: 2024-02-04 02:42:59
Author: Anita
Subject: Spring is coming

Friday my older son had a friend coming to visit him, it took a bit of nagging from my son's side until his friend took off his socks. It seems like some children (and adults too) are very reluctant to bare their feet, even though our home is very well suited with floor heating, parquet floor and carpets. All of us have always been barefoot at home in all seasons so it's strange others are so shy about it. When he finally went barefoot (in the house) it looked like he actually enjoyed it though.

Which makes me wonder, what could lead to such an attitude? Probably growing up in a household where indoor slippers are always worn and children who forget them are admonished by their parents to put something on their feet (because the floor is terribly cold or something). I find it sad if children can't even be barefoot at home.

Yesterday I did an 8 km hike with the kids into the nearby hills, all of us barefoot, at 14°C air temperature it was a pleasure with some fields of snow still remaining in the shadow, otherwise grass and earth feeling great in the sun. In one place the trail itself was icy with water running down from melting snow so it was very slippery, we chose to go through the softer snow nearby! All of us had plenty of fun, spring can be really uplifting even way before the first flowers come out.

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