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Date Posted: 2024-11-03 06:40:58
Author: tiptoe
Subject: Re: Autumn and Halloween
In reply to: Laura 's message, "Re: Autumn and Halloween" on 2024-11-02 00:56:32

>For us here in SA Halloween occurs during the
>springtime and whilst my own children have been
>barefoot since our autumn others are just starting or
>started to be barefoot for spring/summer. I'd say 80%
>of those we saw out in costume were in bare feet.

That sounds like a marvellous way of celebrating spring!
A lot of seasonal barefooters do their first bare steps outside when it gets warm again and the snow (if any) melts away.

Have any other children in your area been barefoot in winter? How cold does it get there?

Thinking of it, it seems like a lot of public holidays are linked to the seasons in the northern hemisphere: Christmas is winter, easter is spring, Halloween/All Saint's day (and St. Martin, etc) in autumn. Kind of hard to imagine those without fog, dark evenings and crunchy leaves. There are also various kinds of harvest festivals (Thanksgiving seems to be related to that and so it is held after the year's main harvest). Carnival is not only about the beginning of lent (so, kind of linked to Easter) but also comes from pagan rituals to chase out evil winter spirits.

I'm not aware of any southern hemisphere public holidays that have made it to the north, on the other hand ...

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