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Date Posted: 16:39:21 05/20/01 Sun
Author: Asif
Subject: New Mizzessage

Today was one of the most hideous afternoons of my life. The morning was passable...midday excellent (as human contact - with humans I actually WANTED to be in contact with - was a major part of it)...but afternoon, just plain ole fashioned badness...how would you feel about being recruited to "work" with Jeff Partington for four hours??? First of all, it was a shock that we were filming in Norfolk...but then, I never mind driving to another city to film on a sunday night the week of exams (come on, people, theres procrastinating to be done...) so we go there and it turns out he has no earthly idea about what it is we are supposed to be filming...so this sucks. We ended up eating mongolian express at Waterside then we walked around Town Pointe Park only to get some footage of Jeff stroking a large cannon. And then we got some footage of him asking people how to get to Kinko's...only, we were very clearly standing right infront of Kinko's and that yeilded some hilarious results...but still...it wasnt much fun...i did get some nice black and white footage for the archives though since the big city was nice and empty on a sunday and it looked really cool because these places were supposed to be jam packed but there wasnt a person in sight...goodbye.

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