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Perspectives on Boys' Spankings 2
Perspectives on Boys' Spankings 2
Hi, I'm Alf. I'm a parent and grandparent. In early 2021 I was persuaded to set up a new forum, and it was a success. That forum was deleted in September 2021. A lot of people have said that the old forum helped them, and that they would like to see it restored. So here is “Perspectives on Boys’ Spankings 2”.

This is a forum for everyone to discuss boys' paddlings, whoopings, beltings, slipperings and other punishments. Do you feel like your paddlings, beltings or other punishments are or were fair? Unfair? Too harsh? Do you wish they were done differently? Want advice? Kids & adults welcome.

Please be respectful of others; and please be considerate of others' views and family circumstances. Please avoid swearing/cussing. DO NOT post any content unsuitable for minors. If posting for the first time, please DO NOT include your email address, but please do say a little about yourself, for example a very brief introduction. Please do not post Trillian or other chat or social media details. You do not need to register to post - Alf (forum moderator)

Notes on forum pic: 17th March is celebrated as St. Patrick's Day (Lá Fhéile Pádraig). The patron saint of Ireland, Patrick was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century A.D., was enslaved by Irish pirates as a teenger, and is known for his missionary work converting the Irish to Christianity. The day itself has taken on a wider cultural significance in addition to its religious meaning, and is celebrated in more countries than any other national festival. There has been criticism of Saint Patrick's Day celebrations for having become too commercialised and for fostering negative stereotypes of the Irish people. We think the naughty boy in this pic is likely to be Irish.

Please make a note of the spare forum at https://www.voy.com/251054/ and the blog at https://lucasperspectives.blogspot.com/, these will be used for posting updates if this forum has problems.

Subject Author Date Msgs
Pictures of our implementsCallum02:02:47 02/26/25 Wed40

Forum Picsteve5211:56:13 03/13/25 Thu1

Got a spankingGannon15:52:07 03/08/25 Sat18

Sorry everybodyMarcus15:55:26 03/12/25 Wed4

🔴🔴 RED MOON ALERT 🌕🌕 International Moon & Kids Bottoms Observatory (TO ALL 🌐)17:30:55 03/12/25 Wed3

A Little Upset 😠 With MyselfJay15:08:48 02/27/25 Thu38

I need advice, I don't know whether to confess this as soon as possible or waitAlex12:03:07 03/10/25 Mon24

A detention in school so a spanking at homeFinley10:10:01 02/07/25 Fri34

(Safe for younger viewers) School Swap: UK to USA Lucas14:33:19 03/11/25 Tue1

Armadillo RoadkillBrody 👨‍🎤18:22:07 03/02/25 Sun30

To Diego and Alex: Marathon and IslandsDanylo04:37:20 02/23/25 Sun14

Re: 1987 again: pass-to-play in Texas, USA (or choose a spanking instead) Lucas19:10:56 03/08/25 Sat3

Re: Another inadequate movie spanking - 1987, The Believers (Martin Sheen) Lucas15:52:35 03/06/25 Thu8

We just got a spankingMarcus14:56:06 03/09/25 Sun5

Hi, my name is MarcusMarcus02:32:00 03/07/25 Fri22

Exchange Studentssteve5217:08:02 02/03/25 Mon16

winter breakTim07:53:46 02/23/25 Sun6

Morning spankingFinley01:13:16 03/01/25 Sat25

A Question For LucasBrody 👨‍🎤13:22:13 03/07/25 Fri4

😢 SPANKED 😠 🤭 Diego Alejandro17:35:52 02/25/25 Tue19

how do parents discipline you as you get older and spanking slows downSamH12:43:04 03/02/25 Sun6

Calling Gannon! 😁😎Alf to Gannon21:14:45 02/18/25 Tue10

Jerry updates overdueLurker (@Jerry)18:22:02 03/03/25 Mon1

Re:Happy New Year everyone 🦖! Alex 🦖🦖🦖 is back!! 🥳🥳🥳Alf to Alex 🦖19:26:11 01/15/25 Wed20

pool spankings, reaching back, state fair spankings, and more! 😁😎Alf to Gannon 😁😎19:59:12 02/02/25 Sun7

Feldbar Spanking PaddleJay and Brody 👨‍🎤20:06:54 10/19/24 Sat42

Chad Franke spankedGraeme17:36:04 02/28/25 Fri3

Cowboy Kid picGannon13:08:28 01/24/25 Fri12

Re: "Asian parent" meme - maybe? Lucas17:54:30 02/22/25 Sat10

When The Boat Comes In (Late 1970s TV) - spankings? Lucas12:45:47 01/07/25 Tue8

Paddle vs HairbrushFinley07:45:42 01/17/25 Fri21

Re: a potential spanking implement thrown away and WASTED - wooden spoon Lucas17:46:07 02/22/25 Sat4

Still SpankedTristan09:16:46 02/24/25 Mon18

Last Two Forum Pictures Trump/Cowboy KidJay18:41:18 01/21/25 Tue18

Re: How to deal with messages saying you can't access voy because it's insecure Lucas16:23:39 02/24/25 Mon1

Re: Prayers, kind friends, and talent showsAlf to Brody 👨‍🎤15:51:58 09/29/24 Sun63

Spanked at schoolSamH10:26:01 02/23/25 Sun1

Baseball update to JayTyler to Jay05:14:59 02/21/25 Fri7

Re: Weird 1980s book - God, the Rod and Your Child's Bod Lucas17:05:28 02/22/25 Sat3

Thinking about the Brodster👨‍🎤 today!Alf to Brody 👨‍🎤14:21:22 02/18/25 Tue38

Teen babysitter cartoonSamH08:33:12 02/21/25 Fri1

Calebsteve5214:53:54 02/20/25 Thu3

Re: totally non-specific TV spanking threat (Eastenders, 1980s) plus Tenko Lucas15:13:22 01/31/25 Fri3

Got a bad one tonightLance19:25:47 12/12/24 Thu15

Mirror Mirror on the wallCallum14:12:50 02/19/25 Wed4

Bad attitude ends my streakFinley10:58:41 01/20/25 Mon12

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