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Subject: Re: My Mom wants to spank me.

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Date Posted: 00:07:18 03/05/25 Wed
In reply to: Max 's message, "My Mom wants to spank me." on 17:21:21 03/04/25 Tue

>Hey, so, I don't even know how to start.
>I'm 12 years old and my mom spanked me when I was
>younger. But she stopped like 2 years ago. Maybe it
>was even more time. Since that I got grounded or had
>my stuff taken away. Punishments like that. Although I
>would say that I am not a bad kid in generell. Okay a
>while ago I messed up a bit but in generell I'm good I
>would say.
>So, today I walked by my mom's room. She had the door
>slightly open and she was talking to someone on the
>phone. And I heard that she told a friend that she
>kind of misses spanking me! She said something like,
>it would do me good again. But she was laughing. I
>don't know if she is serious. She said something about
>my butt, like it's cute and she would like to have it
>over her knee again, and that she could get the stress
>out if her system if she gave me a spanking. Something
>about scratching an itch. I really did not understand
>everything. They talked about spanking positions and
>implements. I also don't know who she was talking to.
>At some point she said that it would be a nice
>birthday gift for her if she could spank me once again.
>I listened to that conversation for a while and then
>went into my room.
>She can't possibly enjoy spanking me right? And she
>said my butt is cute? I don't know. She was laughing
>here and there so I really don't know if she means any
>of what she said but I randomly had the thought in my
>head "should I fulfill that wish?" Noooo. I can't
>possibly let her spank me voluntarily. But this
>thought has been in my head for hours now. Her
>birthday is coming up for real.
>So I really love my mom, she is the bestest mom in the
>whole world and she is very very stressed because of
>her work lately and I don't want her to be stressed....
>but spanking??
>It would do me good she said. What did she mean by
>that? I'm not perfect sure. But I'm also not super
>bad. Idk.
>It's crazy that I'm even thinking about letting her
>spank me. Is it?
>And let's just say I would do this?
>I can't just walk up to her and say:" I heard you want
>to spank me.... go ahead.
>And how would she even spank me? Just A few slaps or
>Should I let her take my pants down?
>What Am I even doing here?
>What do you think I should do?
>Has anyone ever been in a similar situation? Kid or

Dear Max

Assuming this is real, all I can say is do not ask your mum to spank you, or offer to take a spanking from her. If she decides on her own that you need spankings again then that is one thing, but do not encourage her, or you might find yourself being spanked in whatever manner she deems fit throughout your teenage years. If you want to do something special for her birthday then take over her least favorite chore for a couple of weeks.



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Re: My Mom wants to spank me.Nick, too03:45:10 03/05/25 Wed

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