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Subject: Re: Too old

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Date Posted: 10:02:45 03/05/25 Wed
In reply to: scamptoo 's message, "Re: Too old" on 09:51:53 03/05/25 Wed

>>>>>>>>Alan, if you email me the details I will keep
>>>>>>>>details confidential.
>>>>>>>>You can write to me privately about all of this.
>>>>>>>>Pastor Robertson
>>>>>>>But ive been told not to give out emails
>>>>>>>Should I just give you my code to my site. I feel
>>>>>>>I'm being so naughty.
>>>>>>>>Email: pastorrobertson@mailfence.com
>>>>>>>Hi..but I shouldnt give out my email address ive
>>>>>>>told. Should I just give you my code on the other
>>>>>>>site. I feel so naughty.
>>>>>>>>>>>Hey...ok...youre probably right. I just get
>>>>>>>>>>>excited about it but embarrassed, too.
>>>>>>>>>>>fantasized about it, her, too. The people
>>>>>>>>>>>to at the other site said it's ok..its
>>>>>>>>>>Can you post a link to that other site?
>>>>>>>>>>Can you describe your fantasy so we get a
>>>>>>>>>>mental picture of what you wan
>>>>>>>>>>Hi but if I post the link everyone here will
>>>>>>>>>It has an account number.
>>>>>>You don't need to show us your code, just a link
>>>>>>the main site and we can register there as well.
>>>>>Hi..its just called zangi..free...easy to
>>>>register...mine is 1058961896...
>>>You can try it if you want
>>I already have Trillian for private messaging.
>I forgot to add that zangi seems to be for phone
>messaging, so I couldn't download it since I am using
>a computer to access this message forum.
Hi..ok...is it free...also, never talked with an older man before. I might need it.

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Re: Too old scamptoo to Alan13:50:50 03/05/25 Wed

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