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Subject: Re: My Mom wants to spank me.

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Date Posted: 20:23:58 03/08/25 Sat
In reply to: Fred to Scamptoo and Max 's message, "Re: My Mom wants to spank me." on 17:16:40 03/08/25 Sat

>Hi, Scamptoo, thank you for your nice note I wasn’t
>sure if anyone would read my note and answer and some
>time ago I heard two ladies on the bus in front of me
>talking about these places on line where people wrote
>about spankings you know and one was giggling and
>laughing about some girl who asked her mother to spank
>her and she said her daughter never asked her for one
>but she spanks her anyway and like they both laughed
>at that. And when she told the lady where to go on the
>internet to find those talks the lady wrote it down
>and I wrote it down too in my notebook.
>I didn’t have it quite right but then after a couple
>of 5 or 6 times I tried I found this site. That was a
>few weeks ago but when all of that happened with my
>sister and me I found the site again and wrote that
>post. My sister would kill me if she knew I wrote that
>and my mother would too but I love to read about
>spankings and when all that happened with me and my
>sister I found the site again and wrote that note.
>You asked if I have reached puberty and the answer is
>yes and I have been shooting off guey liquid for some
>months now when I am in bed pulling on myself. I guess
>I am early to do that since my pals at school still do
>not pay any attention to girls and they never talk
>about them but I can’t take my eyes off the girls at
>school and I have a boner at school a lot.
>Even one of my teachers noticed and told me after
>class I should stop thinking about girls and think
>about my studies and she pointed at the bulge in my
>pants and I turned all red you know but she wasn't mad
>and she said that was going to get me in big trouble
>if I wasn’t careful but you know she is real nice
>and I could tell she was struggling not to laugh and
>like she wasn’t mad at me or anything when she said
>You asked and so yes I do have some curly black hair
>around my balls, and just a little bit on my stomach
>and chest. Like you really have to look to see the
>hairs but like my father who doesn’t live with us
>now is very hairy all over like all over his back and
>chest and legs. And as for shooting off for a long
>time all I ever had was a little wet stuff on the end
>of my penis when I’d get real excited or when I
>would masturbate but then if I had a real hard-on for
>a while I started getting terrible pain when it went
>down and one of the older guys at school told me I had
>blue balls from not cumming and he told me when I
>started having cums that would stop. And it was right
>about then about a month later that I started to shoot
>off when I masturbated.
>My sister has seen me cum now several times after I
>watch one of her spankings, and right from that first
>time I wrote about my mum knows I cum too. Spmetimes I
>cum while she is spanking Janey but now I slip a wash
>cloth in my shorts so I don't stain my pants and again
>I cum sometimes after my own spankings that Janey sees
>when she and mum are rubbing lotion on me. Sometimes
>I’ll get hard again and cum into a washcloth before
>I fall asleep.
>You ask if I get a boner when I read the stories on
>here and that is a big yes because I couldn’t
>believe women and girls talked about such things you
>know. And here I seen them tell all about how they get
>spanked and yes that makes me very hot. I was so
>scared I was shaking when I wrote my note about how
>Janey and I got spanked and I almost didn’t write it
>because it scared me so much to come right out and
>tell what happened but I am glad I did and very glad
>you liked my note. Fred

When you shoot is it clear or milky?

Since you have reached puberty can you tell me what size your penis is, soft and hard, so I can get a mental picture of you, and are you circumcised?

How tall are you?

Yes, if you don't masturbate you will get blue balls, and masturbating doesn't take very long.

Your sister must be very lucky if you let her see you masturbate and shoot...most boys your age would be too shy or embarrassed.

Would you let your sister feel you when you have an erection if she asked?


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Re: My Mom wants to spank me.Fred tp Scamptoo18:50:45 03/10/25 Mon

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