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Subject: Re: Spanking the breasts

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Date Posted: 09:53:19 03/11/25 Tue
In reply to: Veronica 's message, "Re: Spanking the breasts" on 07:38:13 03/11/25 Tue

>>>>>Look thx I needed a day. I don't get spanked often
>>>>>have crazy hormones so it's always a big deal for
>>>>>I tried thinking about it more positively like you
>>>>>said but it's hard.
>>>>>Mum normally spanks me with a hairbrush like bent
>>>>>the sofa but eventually I kick my panties off and I
>>>>>still kinda have skinny legs and not much hair. You
>>>>>get how its impossible to hide my parts? My stepdad
>>>>>had me stand and reach behind this pole in the
>>>>>I got lectured while completely topless only in
>>>>>Then he smacked each boob and made me count that
>>>>>loud as one spank. Like not hard, but it stings so
>>>>>much!! I was telling him it hurts but he made count
>>>>>13 with pauses between each. And I was having a
>>>>>time standing straight, like I was kicking the
>>>>>so my boobs (they are B cup cones) I could feel
>>>>>bouncing even after each set, you don't have any
>>>>>I was crying so much after. He was telling me about
>>>>>consequences but it didn't sink in till now. I
>>>>>apologised to my stepdad and later my Mum. They
>>>>>forgave me but put me on restriction for 13 days.
>>>>since you have now experienced both ways for your
>>>>step-dad to spank you which do you now feel you
>>>>better accept? which way was more effective in
>>>>and embarrassment?
>>>I dont know I'm so conflicted!!! I mean like it was
>>>hard enough baring them for being bad, but felt even
>>>worse when he said them being exposed is bad too. Tho
>>>on the bottom hurts less per swat, mum has given some
>>>really bad ones with a hairbrush (she calls them
>>>srsly). But I don't want to be humiliated from
>>>my stepdad more especially since I kick.
>>The point of punishment is humiliation. It comes from
>>the word humility. I think you should go to your
>>parents and tell them to focus on that in the future
>>and to always choose full nudity. On your end of
>>things, you ought to look as good as possible for them
>>to guide you properly.
>>Just let go and let them guide you. Learn to enjoy
>>what you can control and fully let go of what you
>>can't control.
>Look I'm upset about being half undressed WHYYY would
>I make it worse?! I'm humiliated enough! I try to act
>good but im 13 and going thru alot they can't expect
>me to be perfect. I mean I just got spanked again and
>lost my phone privs over the weekend I don't need
>What do you mean by fully let go of what I can't
>control? Not trying to be rude but idk what you mean.

I mean, let go. When you let go of what you can't control, it gives you more time to control what you can control. Although the phone privs should be taken for a month, without any other discipline required. I'd probably go with that in their stead. Though that's based on my kid, all kids are different, your parents know best what you need. Now here's the thing, you sound quite smart and conniving so you should understand this:

If you play with the cards you have, instead of wishing for cards you don't have, you'll make better decisions and you'll eventually outplay those who focus more on your cards than on theirs. Have you ever been told that too much is like not enough? You do that with humiliation and you'll end up working on yourself, acting properly, become more pleasant to be around, working out to look beautiful, all that stuff. It's much better to do that with your time, than to worry about how you will avoid what you don't like.

For example, if your stepdad likes you, just a little, you don't want to steal him from your mom here, don't let your ego take over (and it would be weird). Anyway, when you're 20 and need money, you don't borrow from the bank, you borrow from the stepdad who charges no interest. There's a future you can build from this, just look further ahead and trust the process in the middle.

Two results are possible from this. The worst, but what you want, is that they'll notice and give up on all that. The other one, is that you develop your future in such a way that you always have a plan B if things go wrong. You always have a family willing to aid you. So why fight it when all you have to do is let go. You can't control the consequences after you get caught doing something wrong, just accept you made a bad choice, roll with the punches, or slaps in your case, and then get right back up again.

Also, no one is expecting you to be perfect. Get that out of your head.

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