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Subject: Re: Spanking the breasts

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Date Posted: 09:54:01 03/11/25 Tue
In reply to: Angie (real Angie) 's message, "Re: Spanking the breasts" on 17:45:04 03/07/25 Fri

Yes that was me I was thinking about you :)
Sorry for taking so long, I got my phone taken away and you can probably figure out the rest

So friday I asked mum before bed if spankings will stop when i get older. She said "don't count on it". Then asked if there will be less and she said "That's up to you. If you act up at 17 youre gonna feel like you're 13 again".
Asked my stepdad, he looked and said I'll "still have to face the music", I'm guessing that's rhetorical but I felt too timid to ask. Idk if I should ask again since they're both acting normal now, what do you suggest? On one hand thank you for seeing things my way but I get being a mum you probably know what's best too and sound fair.

That’s lovely! You seem like a great fit for each other and have a wonderful stable future. btw I think most guys are stubborn inside they just need to learn to listen to us! My daddy is an example of smart but sometime needs a lady to talk some sense into him but your husband sound better. I like adventure and being outside in nature's fresh air too.

Ha! Your kids found out the hard way but not too hard. Like you said its not like they didn’t know. But at 9 to 11 that's not a big deal.Are your kids more wild bc they are young or more a genetic thing? I was about the same as your daughter at 11 but the quiet type. I remember you said everyone gets spanked naked, pardon me being nosey but like how is done and with what? And do you see his sons get spanked too? I haven't seen an older boy spanked idk how I would react. Thanks again Mrs. Angie, take care.

>So I think you typed my name as your name in your
>reply. No worries through, I can tell that you’re
>I still think at 15 it will not feel great and I still
>don’t believe in slapping the boobs, but I really
>wish you the best of luck and hope they ease up. I do
>think he should have the final decision, if your mom
>agrees. If your mom doesn’t agree then no, I don’t
>think he should be doing that. I think they should
>come to an agreement and whatever comes from that I
>agree with. I wouldn’t do that to my daughter, but I
>also don’t judge what parents do as long as they
>both parents are agreeing to it even if it’s not
>what I would do.
>I met my hubby at a bar, started dating pretty quickly
>and it escalated pretty fast. He’s a great guy but
>stubborn. He’s a little older than me but
>financially way better off, and I’m a little less
>out of touch with things than him so we compliment
>each other well. We both like camping and hiking and
>stuff and we match pretty well with hobbies.
>All our kids are spanked in private and he does most
>of the spanking but I’m there when he does it. My
>daughter is actually 11 not 10. She’s started
>puberty a little bit but not her period. I also have a
>son who’s 9, and he has kids who are boys and
>they’re 12 and 14.
>He didn’t have like a private talk with my girl
>about spankings for when we moved in together. While
>he and I were engaged I knew he spanked his kids
>pretty often and he and I talked about it extending to
>my kids and I eventually agreed. I gave my kids the
>threat of “you know you need to start being good or
>else he’s going to spank you like he does his
>kids”. They didn’t really believe me so once we
>moved in it just sort of happened when they were bad.
>My kids are way more wild than his, but his are a
>little older so that’s what I’m hoping happens in
>So yeah if you have any other questions or whatever
>let me know. I hope things get better for you
>>Sigh 15 isn't too far away I hope they will think I'm
>>too old to spank by then, at least bare. I wanted
>>bigger womanly boobs but now I'm not so sure. But
>>thank you for trying to be positive with me it helps.
>>Like I told Mr. curious I'm conflicted whether to stay
>>with breast spankings. My mum said I made that choice
>>I need to negotiate that with my stepdad which makes
>>me nervous :( I'm glad you agree with me about not
>>spanking boobs but like you really think he should
>>have final decision?
>>How did you meet your hubby? I'm happy you found each
>>other and its going well ♡♡
>>So do the kids get spanked around each other or in
>>private? Your daughter at 10 probably had not started
>>puberty yet, like I guess it's good she was young and
>>easier to adjust. Did you and your husband have a talk
>>with her about the changes with spankings?
>>Anyway thanks again it's nice to hear from a
>>compassionate lady!
>>>So I do remember mine being more sensitive while I
>>>growing up than they are now but it would still hurt
>>>if mine were slapped even as an adult. It’s just
>>>easier to take a slap to the butt than the boobs but
>>>it’s probably why he’s doing it. You said
>>>13 so if it makes you feel better they’re usually
>>>done growing at 15 so maybe it won’t hurt as much.
>>>It probably still will, I’m just trying to be
>>>positive. I personally wouldn’t spank on the boobs
>>>but if he believes in it then it’s what he should
>>>whether or not I agree. If your mom didn’t approve
>>>of it though, then I’d say it’s not okay for him
>>>to do that. As for me I let my husband decide all
>>>for the most part.
>>>And thank you! I’ve been remarried almost a year
>>>it’s been a fun adventure. I was never a really a
>>>spanker before I got married. I did a couple times
>>>just out of desperation. My husband is a spanker so
>>>it’s like your situation just without the boob
>>>spanking. It’s new for my kids and they hate it but
>>>they’re adjusting now. I wish you good luck!
>>>>Thank you for your compassion Angie. it's not the
>>>>worst but yeowch! As we get older do our boobs get
>>>>more or less tender or is it just when they are
>>>>growing? They just seem like trouble :( Also pardon
>>>>asking how long have you been remarried?
>>>>Congratulations on finding someone btw!
>>>>>That’s awful. I winced a little bit thinking
>>>>>having my boobs slapped like that. I never have
>>>>>goodness. My daughter is 11, and I’m remarried
>>>>>my husband does spank my kids and her nude like you
>>>>>are. But I couldn’t ever let him spank on the
>>>>>That would be really rough.

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Subject Author Date
Re: Spanking the breastsAngie16:21:53 03/12/25 Wed

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