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Subject: Re: Spanking the breasts

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Date Posted: 12:48:17 03/12/25 Wed
In reply to: Sam S 's message, "Re: Spanking the breasts" on 11:49:03 03/01/25 Sat

Mr. S I just noticed you replied pardon me.
I'm sure you daughter understands me too since I see you spank her the same way she probably likes you like I do my stepdad.
Yes ok they were I guess it was more effective up top because it hurt faster and more concentrated. Sure they would've spent more time if on my bottom tho since apparently mum has all dayyy. So I never thought of it before you said it (since it's a taboo topic) but yeah we can't control our boobs moving :( today i looked at myself walking towards a mirror braless and they move like twice as much every step and I can totally see them. Like no wonder they talk about ppl looking. But if people like my stepdad weren't so mean about boobs like i told other people here I would prefer without a bra "like god intended", phrase my mum says often.

B cups was an accident I was getting sleepy. They are A which I told Betty.
Sigh...so at school a girl who is jealous of me told them I was bribing a boy she likes for exam answers so then I got snooty with them when they cornered me. Idk why they belive her its not like shes all that or whatever..
I guess this was about the same as my average bottom spankings and mum finishes really hard.

>Thank you for explaining that in detail, that probably
>was a lot to get off your chest, no pun intended. My
>daughter is a little older than you and experiencing
>the same female growing pains.
>Spankings are supposed to hurt, otherwise they
>wouldn't be much of a deterrent from repeating the
>same offenses. And as you've learned, your breasts
>felt the consequences rather quickly. Though you
>aren't, I'm glad you were able to feel that spanking
>beyond inside your breasts. Was it more your boobs
>themselves or them wobbling on your chest that was
>more embarrassing? It's true that one thing women hate
>being reminded of is their breasts are the only part
>of their body they can't control. Without a bra do you
>feel immodest? And B cups sound a tad big for 13, have
>you really grown that much or is that some wishful
>You never said why you were spanked to begin with.
>Also, how would this last spanking compared to a
>typical bare bottom session from your mother?
>>Look thx I needed a day. I don't get spanked often and
>>have crazy hormones so it's always a big deal for me.
>>I tried thinking about it more positively like you
>>said but it's hard.
>>Mum normally spanks me with a hairbrush like bent over
>>the sofa but eventually I kick my panties off and I
>>still kinda have skinny legs and not much hair. You
>>get how its impossible to hide my parts? My stepdad
>>had me stand and reach behind this pole in the cellar.
>>I got lectured while completely topless only in jeans.
>>Then he smacked each boob and made me count that out
>>loud as one spank. Like not hard, but it stings so
>>much!! I was telling him it hurts but he made count to
>>13 with pauses between each. And I was having a hard
>>time standing straight, like I was kicking the floor
>>so my boobs (they are B cup cones) I could feel
>>bouncing even after each set, you don't have any
>>I was crying so much after. He was telling me about
>>consequences but it didn't sink in till now. I
>>apologised to my stepdad and later my Mum. They both
>>forgave me but put me on restriction for 13 days.
>>>I understand your feelings about your situation but
>>>you need to remember something: you asked for an
>>>alternative, and you must accept what your mother
>>>approved of. She AND your stepdad were kind enough to
>>>consider your concerns. I don't have experience with
>>>step parents but I agree. Your breasts are less
>>>private than your nether lips and a fair compromise
>>>your bare bottom isn't available. Are your lips
>>>particularly visible, or do you have difficulty
>>>keeping your legs together during a spanking? You
>>>didn't say how your first spanking went, or answer
>>>of Jill's questions which you should. I realise this
>>>was something new and extra embarrassing so may need
>>>time to calm down.
>>>Your stepdad is absolutely right, so if you can't
>>>behave like a young lady then you better be prepared
>>>to absorb a good lesson through your bare boobs and
>>>feel the embarrassment that comes with that. Now if
>>>you wouldn't mind, could you please enlighten us with
>>>details of this last spanking, your boobs themselves,
>>>and what has happened since?
>>>>Yes I said Mum spanks me, I can live with that bc
>>>>a woman I grew up with. She's left me with my
>>>>for a week.
>>>>omg it was mortifying having to take my bra off in
>>>>front of him :( he's like don't make me call ur Mum
>>>>and that only bad girls exposed their sinful breasts
>>>>like wtf so my boobs are inherently sinful? Bc I
>>>>cannot control them or something??? Way to make a
>>>>feel awful before the spanking even starts
>>>>>It's going to be VERY embarrassing when you have to
>>>>>show your stepdad your bare boobs! And you will
>>>>>surprised at how much a titty slap stings !
>>>>> You know how be plans to spank your breasts? How
>>>>>are they?
>>>>> I never had my boobs spanked but I was spanked
>>>>>naked with men/boys staring at my boobs bouncing
>>>>>my bush waving :-(
>>>>> Does your mom spank you?
>>>>>>>I've had them spanked, and it was definitely
>>>>>>>than my bottom. But I would choose it over having
>>>>>>>boys trying to see my twat!
>>>>>>This is so true! My new stepdad is also a spanking
>>>>>>parent. He said that Mum said he has spanking
>>>>>>too. And that it's not a spanking unless it's on
>>>>>>bare! I told her since we're not related he
>>>>>>be seeing my vagina and whole bottom, Mum said ok
>>>>>>talk with him but I have to accept their
>>>>>>Which turned out he could spank my bare boobs
>>>>>>No boy has ever seen me topless before! I'm 13
>>>>>>the first guy to see your boobs is gonna be your
>>>>>>stepdad :'(

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