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Subject: Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!

to PI
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Date Posted: 07:42:00 03/15/25 Sat
In reply to: PI 's message, "Re: Mom says I'm not spanking you enough!" on 14:36:31 03/14/25 Fri

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students (plural noun)
a person who is studying at a school:
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>OMG I'm not the only one that noticed that. Finally
>some IQ on these boards.
>Wait until the forum owner gets arrested and everyone
>moves to another forum trying to keep it legal. That's
>when the laughs begin. They will all be 20-24yo
>college studnets (yes, studnets, not students, I don't
>know why old people make that mistake so much) that
>have parents that really waste their time spanking
>them. It's pathetic.
>For example, there's this one forum ran by a fat fk
>from Ontario Canada, "lets talk spanking" and he keeps
>making new ones to evade LE (in Canada, stories about
>men dominating women and vice versa are actually
>criminal too). The people on there started at 13 and
>within 2 years they were 24. Makes me think of a
>"paranormal" TV show I saw when I was a kid where a
>rock was making people age faster. They all live by
>that rock. It's hilarious.
>To be fair, I have seen 2 people on these forums
>manage to prove they are real and only 1 of those 2
>was legit in her stories. Berryblue or something like
>that literally showed her butt to prove it and another
>one from a super-pedo forum actually accidentally
>posted dropbox nudes of herself, thus proving she was
>actually real in the process. I did manage to get that
>pedocrap shut off, they rebooted in a less pedo way

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