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Date Posted: 17:51:53 04/18/22 Mon
Author: MLO
Subject: Briefly saying hello and checking it works

Hi to you!

My husband is plagued by a stressful job and dealing with his dad with dementia which is difficult for all of us and especially for him. He is very bright, understands the stress and knows it is not good for him. We've read the books, checked the web, tried many things and exercise and regular bed times, with additional benefits, a healthy diet, all help.

However, I started to wonder if there were other wives, other individuals, who may have found something that worked for them, aside from drugs and alcohol, not found in the books, or even on web pages they'd be willing to share. I hope so.

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[> Re: Briefly saying hello and checking it works -- Tony, 03:06:44 04/19/22 Tue [1]

I like the idea for this group. I don't think I'd be alive today if I didn't have Cindy who comes two evenings a week, generally Wednesday and on the weekend, and gives me a long, deep, massage. She has strong hands, and is tall so when I'm on the table in our home massage room she is bent over me and has the weight of her upper body to add to the massage pressure.

When she's finished me, she does a lighter massage for my wife and I hit a hot shower. Expensive but worth every penny.

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[> [> Re: Briefly saying hello and checking it works -- Cindie, 11:10:21 04/19/22 Tue [1]

Great topic! Love the new ones that pop up on Voy and hope this one keeps going.

I love a massage, but not in your league Tony when it comes to spending the money. A few times a year is about it for me.

Mostly I try to deal with stress with long hard run followed by a long hot bath. Not perfect, but the price is right.

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[> Re: Briefly saying hello and checking it works -- George, 03:27:04 04/20/22 Wed [1]

Your husband called and asked me to post suggesting you wear to bed that garter belt outfit like you did when first married. He's sure that would lead to great stress reduction therapy.

Sorry, couldn't resist it.

Good luck in finding something that works.


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[> Re: Briefly saying hello and checking it works -- TPNP, 08:51:24 04/21/22 Thu [1]

Stress relief is putting something else in place of the stress. A long run brings exhaustion and that replaces stress. A massage when strong enough exhausts the mussels and that replace the stress.

Not good for the heart but a fright, like jumping out at someone from behind a bush on a dark night will also get rid of stress --- after you're frightened there's a relaxation response that cancel stress.

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[> Re: Briefly saying hello and checking it works -- Johnny T., 11:53:44 04/23/22 Sat [1]

I will go to an old warehouse that is outfitted with a rock climbing wall that's tall, a little dangerous and requires my total concentration. I'll climb for an hour or two and leave mentally exhausted and feeling much less stress.

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