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Subject: Re: Legs up (“diaper”) position

Joseph to Beth
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Date Posted: 18:18:07 11/29/22 Tue
In reply to: Beth 's message, "Re: Legs up (“diaper”) position" on 06:06:16 11/18/22 Fri

Hi, Beth,

Sorry to be so slow getting back to you. We had house guests from France, my wife's brother and his wife and two children, a girl 15 and a boy 12. They arrived on the 18th and they stayed with us for that holiday week leaving on Saturday. Her brother also uses maintenance spankings with their two, who also each get spanked twice a week, on different days than our two, so we had spankings going on almost every night that whole week, which the adults certainly enjoyed a lot, and actually, we could all see that the kids very much enjoyed watching their cousins get spankings just like they did.

I'll try to answer the questions you asked, Sue.
You ask or comment:
>I imagine, growing up in rural France, your wife
>learned exactly how effective the legs-up position can
>be, first hand.
That's true. And that was common in her family, and that is the way the visiting cousins were spanked also while here.

In rural France historically the Martinet was also popular, do you know if Margarite ever experienced the Martinet in that position?
I asked Margarite and she said many families did use the martinet in France, especially with older girls in their teens, but sometimes with boys as well, but her family used only the hand to spank until the children got to about 14, and then a man's belt was used on them after a hard hand-spanking, which she told me is what she would like us to do as well--use the strap also in the legs up position.
I can well imagine it would’ve been >something of an eye-opener for you, that first time Margarite insisted you accompany her to the bedroom to witness the girls’ punishments. You say for almost a year you would overhear Margarite spanking her girls, as there never any clue during those times that the girls had to get on the bed and lift their legs?
No. Listening downstairs, I could not tell what position the girls were in, only that they were being spanked hard with what sounded like hand smacks, and from their bawling and yelping I could tell they were being spanked soundly.
Given that you’ve now been married a year, and you
>say you were together for almost a year before that, I
>assume Marie was 11 and June was 9 when you first
>heard them receiving corporal punishment. What age
>were the girls when Margarite insisted that you watch?
I think they were still 9 and 11 the first time I went up to watch them spanked. I think they turned 10 and 12 shortly after I first saw them spanked.

I guess at the time,as a man, you couldn’t recognize the difference [in their postions as they were spanked [legs up]
as compared to an over the knee spanking.
That's right, I could not. I assumed they were lying over Margarite's knees to be spanked so it was quite a shock, although I admit a pleasurable one--to go up and see the younger girl first, and then the older one, lying on their backs naked, legs up and spread wide as Margarite spanked them all over their bottoms and their thighs in that position.
>Finally, I must congratulate you on “stepping up to
>the plate” as a stepfather and also spanking the
>girls yourself. I fear some men would ‘chicken
>out’ of spanking stepdaughters, and leave all such
>punishments to the girls’ mother.
Thank you very much, Beth, for those kind words. To be honest, I quite enjoyed listening to the girls get their spankings in those first months when we went together, and I confess I wondered whether that would continue after we were married or whether at some point Margarite would ask me to play a proper role as their new father, which I quietly hoped would be the case. Once, right after we became engaged and about a week or two before Margarite invited me to go up and be present while she spanked them, one of the girls asked me if I was going to spank them after Margarite and I got married. I said that would be up to her mother, and she started to giggle and said, "We have to take off all our clothes for our spankings, so we'll be all naked if you do spank us!" And I remember turning red and mumbling something like, "Well I'm sure you'll both look very beautiful without any clothes on if that is the case." And when I told Margarite about that later, she laughed and told me she was sure both girls would love to have to get naked in front of their handsome new father, and actually they do blush red getting undressed in front of me, but they do not object at all and, if anything, they look like it makes them excited to do that each time. Joseph

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