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Subject: Re: Legs up (“diaper”) position

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Date Posted: 06:06:16 11/18/22 Fri
In reply to: Joseph to Jana, Beth and others 's message, "Re: Legs up (“diaper”) position" on 17:01:08 10/30/22 Sun

Dear Joseph

Clearly your wife knows just how to thoroughly spank her two girls.
I imagine, growing up in rural France, your wife learned exactly how effective the legs-up position can be, first hand. In rural France historically the Martinet was also popular, do you know if Margarite ever experience the Martinet in that position?

Joseph, I can well imagine it would’ve been something of an eye-opener for you, that first time Margarite insisted you accompany her to the bedroom to witness the girls’ punishments. You say for almost a year you would overhear Margarite spanking her girls, was there never any clue during those times that the girls had to get on the bed and lift their legs?

Given that you’ve now been married a year, and you say you were together for almost a year before that, I assume Marie was 11 and June was 9 when you first heard them receiving corporal punishment. What age were the girls when Margarite insisted that you watch? Speaking as a woman, I think I could probably recognise, just from the yelps and wails, that a girl is getting spanked ‘legs-up’. I guess at the time, as a man, you couldn’t recognise the difference, compared to an over the knee spanking.

Finally, I must congratulate you on “stepping up to the plate” as a step-father and also spanking the girls yourself. I fear a ome men would ‘chicken out’ of spanking step-daughters, and leave all such punishments to the girls’ mother.


>My name is Joseph and I am newly married and the
>father of two step-children, Marie 13 and June 11.
>My wife, Margarite, and I have been married now just
>over a year. During the year we went together before
>we married, I spent a lot of time, of course, at
>Marge’s house and became quickly aware she was a
>strict mother who believed in regular corporal
>punishment for her daughters, which I fully approved
>of, especially since her two daughters were
>particularly nice, polite, well-behaved and very good
>students. I learned that it was her practice since the
>girls had been very young to give both daughters two
>maintenance spankings a week, on Wednesday evenings
>and on Sundays after morning church services. I had
>never heard of such a thing before but apparently it
>was common practice where my wife grew up on a French
>For most of the year we went together, I heard my wife
>deliver a lot of those spankings to the girls and I
>knew from their wails and bawling that she spanked
>them long and hard, and I always assumed she was
>spanking them over her lap from the steady stream of
>smacks and yelps and howls from the girls. After we
>became engaged, she insisted I go up to their room
>with her for their spankings to let the girls know I
>fully approved of her discipline of them. That was
>when I discovered that my wife uses what you call the
>“legs up” position to spank them, which is what
>she calls the “position de la couche” or, in
>English, the “diaper position”. I was astonished
>to see this, but I fully agree with Jana it is a much
>more effective way to spank older girls than the
>traditional (in this country) over the lap position.
>My wife has explained to me all the benefits of
>spanking them this way, which I can pass on to readers
>here if any of you would like to hear her reasons.
>Certainly the girls are both very thoroughly spanked
>this way, and I agreed it was an excellent way to
>spank the girls as my wife does it, and she has now
>shown me how to do it this way as well.
>And, yes, since our marriage, we now share the task of
>the twice-weekly maintenance spankings of the girls.
>Each spanking night, I spank one and my wife spanks
>the other, and then the next night we switch off, so
>I’ll spank the younger girl one night and the older
>the next, and so on. The girls have accepted this as a
>perfectly expected arrangement for discipline duties
>to be shared by Mama with their new “Papa”, and
>both girls are as loving and affectionate with me as
>if I were their natural father, despite the hard
>spankings I give them.

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Re: Legs up (“diaper”) positionJoseph to Beth18:18:07 11/29/22 Tue

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