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Subject: Introduction of Kevin

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Date Posted: 10:19:42 12/28/22 Wed

Greetings all. I am Kevin in the US. An older, single gentleman in the US. I come from a large strict family, with five younger sisters who were all discipled often. They were all started around age two.(Yes, I could witness for them any time that I wanted to.)

I have lots of nieces, also. I spanked my niece Mary many years ago. She is grown up now, and has a family of her own now.

I am a certified elementary school teacher. None of my schools spank. But I do believe in this.

I have plenty of experience in the disciplining of girls.
Also plenty of close spanking friends on Trillian. kevinbr4
I am totally confidential with my friends. Not bragging, but many parents want me to be good friends of their children, also. I am a protector of the children. The kids like me a lot, even when they know that I can be firm at times.

I dont know what else to share here. Except that I am not having good luck being friends with men. So unfortunately, now I have to delete any message from a man. The men find my Trillian name on here, and add me or email me. Then, invariably, they contact me wanting me to discipline them, dominate them, have sex with them. I hear from these men almost daily via Trillian and/or email.

I am not on any male oriented forums such as Marys. So they go to the disciplining of girls forums to find me.

I hope this forum becomes a very successful forum. If there is anything that I can do to help, either the owner or the parents, I am willing to help.

Lastly, I believe in the spanking and disciplining of girls of all ages. Even the 20 somethings and older.

I will try to contribute on here regulary.

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Re: Introduction of KevinKevin04:11:14 12/29/22 Thu
Re: Introduction of Kevin feliciav31 (Felicia Now I Feel Safe :-ยก)01:10:44 01/30/23 Mon
Re: Introduction of Kevin Mark10020:53:38 02/28/23 Tue

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