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My name is Marion I am a relatively young mother of 2 daughters 4 and 6y. We moved to Montana, with my new husband. Very close to his parents farm. He is American and me and my daughters are German. Sorry for my bad grammar at this point. My husband, I love him very much, has become quite strict, since we living here. He knows that I was raised very strict, at home as a child. Since we visit his parents regularly, he demands that I must chastise my daughters, who are not his, as well. Because the big one has started to wet the bed and the small one is not really dry yet. I guess it is because of the whole move. As we first visited his parents, his mom told me, it is better to get both in diapers, maybe for the next 1-2 years, maybe even longer. And I should also spank them regularly. That was about 4 weeks ago. Now the diapers I see yes still one, who wants to buy every time a new mattress. So, I bought diapers, where I was totally surprised, how thick and in what sizes there are here in Montana. But spanking? It was quite a struggle to explain to my big girl why she needs diapers in bed. For about 10 days, she now wears them during at day, for every time she wakes up wet in the morning, I should leave her wear diapers, for the next three days, as a punishment during the day too. Meanwhile she is plus 11 days now! But for spanking at both girls, I could to elude. This weekend we were back at my in-laws. When we arrived, we were all sitting together in the kitchen to talking. My mother-in-law put my oldest on her lap, so that her legs were spread and hanging left and right from her thighs. She then leaned back against the chest of my mother-in-law who embraced her with her left arm at the waist. My father-in-law did the same with my youngest. After about 10 minutes my big one wanted to get off her, but now she put her right arm past her so that she held her diapered crotch. At that moment my husband said come with me honey, I want you now, my mom will take care of our girls. My mother-in-law moved away from the table with my daughter on her lap and I saw her massaging my daughter's crotch through her diaper. I looked from the crotch to my mother-in-law as I saw from the corner of my eye, how she now gently hit her crotch, with the flat of her hand, that yet making a soft dull plop sound. Then she said to me "go, I'll put the girls to sleep, when I'm done, they will need it." I looked at her in bewilderment and asked "done with what?" But inside I already knew the answer when she said "well with the spanking of both, honey". I nodded in a trance, get up and left the kitchen with my husband. As it started, how they get the spanking and cry´s, had I soon some pretty intense sex with my husband and forgot the pain of both. I heard that she was definitely getting more than a few spanks, because I came 3 times when I could still hear her hitting, but she was not more very loud at cries. My mother in law spanked them from Friday noon, the next two days in the morning and evening, they were always at least 1h up in the room with them. She also let the girls use the diapers. While my husband took me exactly at these times also hard rann in bed. I am now somewhat ashamed that I had sex with my husband while my mother-in-law was spanking our girls and I was not alerted by her crying and wailing. Instead I was very hot ... why? My husband went to work this morning and told me I have to spank the girls, after I waking them up. I noticed something while doing this, they are like little angels, very sweet and extremely polite to each other and to me. So I didn't do it. He will soon come home from the bar ... What should I do? who has similar experiences? When I was changing them, I saw that they hardly have any hematomas, which surprised me, I used to be green and blue on my legs, buttocks and back. But my mother-in-law also said to me that she starts slowly because they are not used to it, but soon I should take hairbrush or a leather strap. Also, my husband has already indicated to me that I should also be chastised soon. Thank you for reading I feel like a load has now fallen from me.

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