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Date Posted: 03:55:02 11/03/24 Sun
Author: Amy
Subject: Re: Continue DD or postpone??
In reply to: Annette 's message, "Re: Continue DD or postpone??" on 16:17:34 11/02/24 Sat

>How did things go?

It’s going great. The girls are actually loving it, him not so much but he’s actually doing better than I thought. So when the girls got there I explained the situation and right away they were asked if they could play house and he would be there baby. After thinking about it for a minute, I thought why not. So I said yes. This was Friday evening, I called him to the living room and told him that the girls wanted to play house and that he would be there baby for the weekend and he was to mind them the same as me. He didn’t like that part. I could tell by looking he was already wet but I used that time as a teaching moment for the 2 visiting girls. I called them over too, I asked if they knew how to tell if a baby needed there diaper changed…they said no. So I showed them the blue line in the front, as well as how to squeeze the front of the diaper, and how to pull back the back of the diaper to check for poop. I told them both to check, he didn’t like that. I also explained to them that he is to come tell one of us if he needs to poop and that we are to take off his diaper, have him go and then we are to have him lay down and get wiped and re diapered. I explained that even though he was wet it could hold more and that his bath time was in about an hour so we would wait. Everything has gone great, the girls have done all his baths, diaper changes, and even helped him after pooping. I basically had 3 little babysitters here taking care of him. The kids are still asleep, today will be the last day.

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