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Date Posted: 14:00:13 11/17/24 Sun
Author: Natascha to Jeff
Subject: Re: Alternative punishments, toddler status and bare time
In reply to: Jeff 's message, "Re: Alternative punishments, toddler status and bare time" on 13:54:43 11/10/24 Sun

>So if your mother in law used diaper chastity on her
>daughter, that would also be the younger sister of
>your husband, correct? So did your husband get spanked
>or need to wear diapers to bed too? Does he remember
>his sister wearing them? If she was already in diapers
>for wetting accidents, did your mother in law handle
>anything about the diapers differently once she
>started thinking of them as chastity device?
>If you have a lot of things on your mind, I'm sure
>others will be able to answer any questions you have.

Hello Jeff.
Please excuse me, but somehow I managed to miss your questions to me.
But I want to do it now.

To the first question.
My MIL's daughter is also my hubby's sister, also my sister-in-law too.
So the answer is "yes"

to the second question.
According to his statement, which agrees with what my MIL told me, my hubby was last spanked at the age of 12.
Not after that, because he grew into a young man and he and they brothers should be not corporal punishment.
Only if it is absolutely unavoidable.
He only wore diapers until he was about 3.5 years old and then only at night, until his mother neglected to change him at the Christmas Eve.
As he spent that one missed night and he dry waking up in the morning, how like many nights before in to a dry diaper, so he had not longer wear diapers at night from this time on.
Of his brothers, he wore diapers the longest.
The first was already dry at about 2 years old. The second was about 2.5 years old.
As my MIL and my hubby described it, before his sister came, he was the youngest of the family, i.e. the baby of the family or the spoiled child, choose what suits you best.
I think every single term says the same thing.
From today's perspective, he believes that his mother couldn't/didn't want to let go and that she became more and more of a helicopter mother.
His sister probably suffered the most from this, especially since she remained the only daughter in this household for several years.

To questions 3 and 4.
Yes, he knew that she wore diapers, he just didn't realize how long she had to wear them.
When he went to college, she was already 11y old and he hadn't carried her in his arms for a long time.
He and his brothers never entered her nursery, it was to be and remain the kingdom of the little princess.
It was forbidden for all brothers to enter.
When he went to college and hugged her goodbye, there was no indication to him that she was wearing diapers.
The same was he had no idea if he came home for the vacations and hugged her lovingly that she was in diapers.
However, it never occurred to him, to give his sister a lovley slap on her bottom.
But what he could hear on a some evenings, that she was still being spanked at 12 and 13y, especially when there was already a certain tension at the dinner table.
Then one look into his mother's eyes was enough for him to know that his sister would be still very sad today.
My MIL told me that she bought 2 different types of diapers after she turned 12.
She increasingly suspected that she had opened her diapers at the waist to go to the toilet, so that she could then pull down.
Because in one place, the tape only held so-so, while the other 3 still held very well.
She also increasingly came home not as wet, as she should be after 6-8 hours.
So she bought a type that is thick, fit well and was breathable for at home and a type that was a little thinner to begin and became reinforced with a fleece pad (booster) on the crotch.
This type was a size larger and consisted of a thin outer film.
When she went out to see friends or to school, she was changed.
From this point on, her mother first removed the right and left upper blue adhesive tapes and only used the white ones to only once attach the diaper.
From then on, it was actually no longer possible to remove them, without the film breaking.
Sometimes her daughter would get an extra long spanking, when she saw that the ribbon looked bad and the film had ripped open, at one point on the waist, so the ribbon could no longer stick properly.
It was even worse for her when the diaper was not nearly as wet as it should be after 8h out of the house.
As already described, it was her own daughter, at 12 years old, who made her mother have to come up with something.
If she wanted her daughter's vagina untouched and chaste in a closed diaper, that was the only option.
Because a chastity belt was out of the question for her.
There are just too many awkward questions when a sudden medical emergency arises and a child is wearing a chastity belt.
That's something that will never really happen with diapers, another advantage of diapers.
After her mother's idea with the ribbon from the foil diapers and the knowledge that the diaper could not be opened and removed unnoticed at the top of the waist without tearing the foil, had her daughter from this moment no leeway for indecent acts.
Also the fact that a severe spanking awaits her when the diaper is torn at the waist, let her hold a great distance to boys and toilets.
One day she came home crying because the boys and her friends thought she was a lesbian.
This meant that the sleepovers with her friends, which my MIL didn't like and which allways threatened to happen, were now finally off the table.
Before, she always made excuses because her daughter was too young to be out of the house for a night.
She told the parents in question, that she is a heavy bedwetter and that she wanted to prevent her from being teased and bullied.
After all these incidents, which took place in the early months of her puberty, there were hardly any problems afterwards because she learned to accept it in a painfully strict way.

Needless to say, the entire last month has been very enlightening for me. Including what I received from Mike.
My MIL is definitely stricter and more consistent than my mom, except when it comes to spanking.
But I'll have to talk with my sister-in-law about that.
Will she answer? I don´t know.
I hope I have answered your questions somewhat now.
Best wishes

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