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Date Posted: 08:03:39 11/24/24 Sun
Author: Kastanie
Subject: Examples of guys who no longer have their fetish under control

My God, you are all so incredibly stupid, that I almost don't have the words!
This freak posts his mental shit in every spanking forum there is, including the DailyDiaper forum.
He is ignored in the forums, so he never gets more than a maximum of 2 replies to his crap.
Here he already has more attention from you, than anywhere else.

This guy is just as sick as the 3-4 guys who pretend to be girls aged 9-15 and describe in detail how their pussies are whipped and how they run naked through a Mexican village and are loved by everyone because she has such beautiful blonde hair.

Of course everyone is allowed to touch and penetrate her Child cunt!
And the whole thing is done in the name of the church.... you have more question to that, or to 27y old guy?

For me is it lost time, so I won´t answear on your questions !!!

This is spread over several topics ...
lock at Alice, Lindsay, Alex, scamptoo, Michael, Jordan, grandpa bob and many more freaks.

So if anyone is interested in something like this, I advise you to take your pants off before you click on this link.
You'll definitely be able to cum wonderfully after 2-4 minutes.

All the others who still have their fetish under control will turn away in disgust.
That's my opinion

A parent "lol" he is the german Diaper admin. He has many fake name too.
alias a parent, alias Maria, alias Sophia, alias Johanna, alias Barbara, and many more.
A parent, do you really think that's it for you?
Bad surprise...
Of course not ;-)
You must have already received a letter, or why are you trying to cover your tracks now?

Netter versuch mich auf englisch zu beschimpfen (Habe auch davon Screenshoot)
Wie nantest du mich doch gleich?
Ja so nanntest du mich und einiges mehr, nun ja wer der Idiot von uns beiden ist hast du jedenfalls eindrucksvoll bewiesen ... ;-)
Netter versuch mich auf Englisch zu beschimpfen (Habe auch davon ein Screenshot).
Wie nanntest du mich doch gleich?
Ja so nanntest du mich und einiges mehr, nun ja wer der Idiot von uns beiden ist hast du jedenfalls eindrucksvoll bewiesen ... ;-)

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