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Date Posted: 12:54:23 11/29/24 Fri
Author: Jeff
Subject: Re: Nappy liners .
In reply to: Anne1 to Jeff 's message, "Re: Nappy liners ." on 11:10:48 11/29/24 Fri

>>>I was chatting with a friend who has started using DD
>>>with her daughter . She was starting to give up
>>>because her daughters poop was ruining the diapers .
>>>She couldn't understand how our nappies on the
>>>lines were so white . She had never used terry
>>>before and just took it that they were the same as
>>>disposables just bulkier . She never knew that when
>>>using cloth nappies you are supposed to use a nappy
>>>liner to avoid the solids getting mushed into the
>>>nappy .
>>>Does anyone else use gauze or muslin liners anymore ?
>>Well, there are liners sold for disposable diapers
>>too, so I think many people would be familiar with the
>>idea. Maybe your friend didnt realize cloth needs
>>several pieces to work and isnt all in one like the
>>disposable. Any idea why she used cloth if she wasnt
>>familiar with how that works?
>>Has she told you why she started diaper discipline,
>>how long she hopes it to last? It's good that she knew
>>of you (and possibly others) to ask for advice. Do you
>>think she has been happy with how her daughter has
>>been responding, other than the issue of not using a
>I think you are getting mixed up with liners and
>boosters and soakers Jeff . The addition to a
>disposable nappy would be pointless as the whole nappy
>is disposable . A cloth Terry one isn't hence the need
>for liners .

True. But it seems like a liner and stuffer is kinda similar, just not optional with cloth. Which made me wonder why your friend decided to go with cloth, if she wasn't familiar with using that before. Does she want to continue using dd otherwise?

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