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Date Posted: 17:16:47 10/19/24 Sat
Author: Amy
Subject: Re: Leaky Diaper
In reply to: Jen 's message, "Leaky Diaper" on 14:12:38 10/19/24 Sat

>On Friday night we had an embarrassing moment but
>embarrassment is part of DD.
>My 7 year old son has been bratty all week and
>didn’t do some chores. So I decided to give him an
>after school spanking. Originally I was just going to
>do a spanking and corner time, but decided to add a
>diaper too because he hadn’t been under DD since
>summer (he still wears one every night and
>occasionally Pull-Ups too).
>After picking the boys up from school I took 7 to his
>room and sat on his bed. I undressed him and placed
>him over my lap. I spent several minutes turning his
>little bottom red. Afterwards I laid him down on his
>bed, he was crying his eyes out, and diapered him in a
>Huggies Little Mover size 7. I then placed him in the
>family room corner for 10 minutes. About half way
>through I gave him a pacifier. When corner time was
>done he went to his room to play with his toys wearing
>only a diaper and pacifier.
>A couple of hours later he comes to me and taps on his
>pacifier indicating he wants to talk. I grant him
>permission to remove the pacifier and he asks for a
>snack and drink. We are going out to eat so I said no
>to the snack but said he can have a bottle. I fix him
>a bottle and he drinks it while watching cartoons.
>A couple of hours later it’s time to leave for
>dinner and a special treat. I get the boys ready. I
>check 7’s diaper, it’s dry, and dress him in blue
>jeans and a sweatshirt. Then we go to dinner.
>We went to Chili’s and the boys asked if they could
>order soda. I say yes as a special treat. I also said
>yes to 7 because he’s already been punished with a
>spanking, corner time, diaper and pacifier. We eat
>then go to the special treat.
>The special treat was a corn maze and petting zoo! The
>boys were super excited! Before leaving the restaurant
>I asked 7 if he needed changed, he said no. Big
>mistake, I should have checked instead. Never listen
>to a baby.
>Half way through the corn maze he started acting
>funny. It was dark out so I couldn’t easily see the
>big wet spot on his jeans. His diaper had leaked. The
>pee was running down his leg and his socks were wet
>too. He had multiple wettings and the diaper was at
>full capacity. It was drenched.
>It turns out that the baby bottle, Coke, and water all
>caught up with him and he went several times in a
>couple of hours. I didn’t bring his diaper bag into
>the maze so we had to go through it with wet pants. He
>was very embarrassed but I explained that’s part of
>When we got back to the car I changed him on the
>minivan floor. The diaper was heavy, I’m surprised
>it stayed on. I didn’t have a new pair of jeans so
>he rode home in a sweatshirt and diaper in his car
>He still had a good time last night. He learned a
>valuable lesson, always say yes to a change.

Your 7 year old sounds very much like my 8 yo.

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