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Subject: \\Wicked//

Usher of Death
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Date Posted: 08:37:51 11/14/02 Thu
In reply to: /Muerna\ 's message, "/Quiet\" on 03:28:13 11/14/02 Thu

\\Showing an prevalent smirk, his noggle bounced, agreeing with the mare. He had no wish to play silly words games, and think together clever parlances to match the stallion. He'd give him that. But yes, back to work.//

From my perspective, the Lights have shown very little recalcitrance, but that could all-to-quickly change. We've procured one domain, but there are more to be had.

\\He pauses to exterminate a pest from his sheeny hide. Virile then turned back, ghastly gaze recrudesced to the convocation.//

Has Pirate's Treasure informed any of you to accomplish anything accept babysitting this place? Because as both of you obviously understand, there's work to be done.

\\His abysmal vocals rocked the flesh that filled his broad chest, the occult light that was his gazing, pulsing to the utterance of he//

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+saunters out of the brush, bay hide glaeming+Sweet Intoxication09:47:01 11/14/02 Thu

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