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Subject: Dave Mudge

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Date Posted: 14:55:57 04/28/02 Sun

Dave Mudge is a despicable character. He is a woman abuser and he is a bully. His uncle, his name sake, a Toronto police officer was responsible for killing an intellectually handicapped man. Years later the entire family makes sick jokes about it. He was criminally charged but the police bullied no less than 6 witnesses out of testifying. The coroners inquest however, proved that he was guilty. He still kept his job. The whole family is sick and right wing weirdo, backwoods Ontario screwed up.They are also stupid and got into MSU because they have another uncle who is a professor there. Anyway, they are a sick bunch of people! Dave Mudge is a drunk and it is just a rumor but apparently he was kicked off of the Bills because of this. He had a management company beat up a small woman in Toronto, who was his tenant and when she complained, the police, his uncles John and Dave and their wacky friend Rick Browne, charged her with threatening Dave Mudge with bodily harm. He is 6'7" 350 lbs and she is 5'5" 110lbs. They are just evil! Not a word of a lie. He is a disgusting character and women everywhere should tell two friends and so on and so on.

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Re: Dave MudgeThe truth06:37:21 10/31/02 Thu

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