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Mr. 4/4
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Date Posted: 11:33:37 07/25/02 Thu
In reply to: Mike the Cab Driver 's message, "Re: LANDOVER BAPTIST IS A FAG RECRUITING SCAM" on 04:09:58 12/04/01 Tue

As a completely heterosexual man, I do worry about the homsexuality of others. Nothing upsets me more than hearing, or reading, the descriptions of these ungodly acts of "love." For instance, the other day at the busstop I heard two "fags" discussing their "lovelife." Apparently, one was at some sort of gay "pickup" place, and was describing his night's "catch" to the other. When I heard his descriptions of how he French kissed the other male, entwining their tongues in some sort of glorius rapture of sin, I couldn't help but listen more. I was repulsed, yet I needed to hear it to reenforce my own beliefs. The idea of one male taking his eight inch staff of pleasure and applying copius amounts of lube to it as he spread the other male's glistening asshole open and slowly penetrated him with his rock hard member, moving in and out and in and out, made me absoloutely ill I tell you.

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Re: LANDOVER BAPTIST IS A FAG RECRUITING SCAMBirthday Boy07:50:05 08/08/02 Thu

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