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Birthday Boy
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Date Posted: 07:50:05 08/08/02 Thu
In reply to: Mr. 4/4 's message, "Re: LANDOVER BAPTIST IS A FAG RECRUITING SCAM" on 11:33:37 07/25/02 Thu

Since today (Aug. 8th) is my birthday, I took the opportunity to visit LANDOVER BAPTIST, the so-called "fag recruiting scam" website. I must report it worked! I was a fully-functional straight guy prior to my visit, but now I'm an American citizen who just happens to be gay. Just because I liked Judy Garland and her unfortunate daughter, Broadway musicals, Elton John, and mascara prior to my conversion has nothing to do with it! It was them Landover Baptists who done it to me! THANK YOU, Landover Baptists, for allowing me to see the light and to be born again as a proud gay man. (P.S.: I didn't seem much in the way of anything gay on their website, but the mere suggestion of it by the original poster of this thread drove me down that slippery slope. Now excuse me while I wash off the lube.)

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