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Subject: Whatever happened to Adrian Montrose?

W. W. Wolf
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Date Posted: 01:58:23 01/19/03 Sun

Dora - I'm praising Jesus for having found this sight. I knew something was odd about Landover Baptist - especially since the disappearance of Adrian Montrose. Reading about how God had given Adrian the victory over homosexuality was so inspiring. As a man who is continually trying to cleanse himself of immoral, lustful thoughts about crotch rockets I was so happy to read about Adrian. I have so often thought "If Jesus can help Adrian then Jesus can help me! But what's happened to Adrian? The Landover web-site has gone for months without any word of him. Did Adrian really exist or was he just a fictional character that the church used to get sodomites to open up their zippers - oops I mean wallets?

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