Subject: Re: Dora, god knows where you live! |
Mr. D
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Date Posted: 17:17:46 07/31/03 Thu
In reply to:
Miss Ashley .W.
's message, "Dora, god knows where you live!" on 23:28:17 05/18/03 Sun
Why do people who attend this church consistantly show two things: 1)an unholy attraction for money. This seems to be the god of this church and it's members under the guise of saying it's God's will. Even Christ told a rich man to give up everything (not give it to Him) and follow. The church's only interest in saving a soul is not where that soul goes.. but in getting it's hands on that person's money. Christ didn't say we are saved by tithing.. he said we are saved by grace and by accepting the Father's gift offering for our sins (Christ) into our lives. Yes, tithing is good (the bible says 10%) and is only meant as the first fruits of a person's labor to further his word. When that becomes the main point of a church's believe of whether you go to heaven or hell... it has crossed the line into becoming idol worship. This church is angry and after this woman because she closed her checkbook... not because they are truly worried about her and care for her as Christ called us. They threaten, antagonize, use scare tactics.. all in the 'name' of Christ. This is more blasphemous than simply closing your checkbook. She can simply join another church and tithe. But this church in all of it's greed and idolotry will say that they are the only avenue to Heaven. Christ says that HE is the only way... not a church, not an action such as tithing, not how u walk, not how much money you have. In fact... Christ himself pointed to a poor woman puting a single coin in the bank and said she was more wealthy than any of those 'rich' people who looked down on her. If outward appearance, money, pride, hatred, anger, bitterness.. any of these things takes priority over the fruit of the Spirit: kindness, gentleness, patience, love, tenderness, peace, etc.. then none of you has truly accepted Christ and the gift of the Father. Threats, fear, material desires - these are not of Christ in ANY way. Which brings me to the next point:
2)Threats of violence and violence, fear tactics, condemnation, foul mouths... all the things you all point to as proofs that this woman is going to hell are the same proofs that point to you going there. For a supposed 'pastor' of a church to say that he is only interested in bringing a lamb back to the fold and this can only be done if she starts tithing (paying) is sooo unbiblical! Our salvation isn't based on buying our way into heaven! Yes we are called to tithe, but we can tithe anywhere God would have us do so. If this woman starts living in fear as soon as she closes her checkbook, it only proves where the heart of that church is - on a false idol (money). A true church living by the Spirit of God would show the fruits of His Spirit and not the fruits of the devil. Anger, threats, fear, wagging tongues, condemnation... these are all tools of satan and shown in the bible as anything BUT fruits of the Spirit. Patience, love, tenderness, kindness, etc.. these are sooo lacking in this church. Fact is, you should be simply leaving this woman alone, BUT... you can't because she is a 'cash-cow' and you want her money, not her. You just can't leave her alone as long as she has money. If she has lost all of her accounts and cash in some tradegy such as a stock market collapse or bank failure and was hurting for money... you would simply turn your backs on her and walk away because she can't now afford to join your church. We are called to reach out to the hurting of the world - not to create them. It simply amazes me as to how you have perverted the word of God to serve your own evil, selfish, self-centered desires.
When you look at someone - whether they are black, white, yellow, green, purple, rich, poor, sick or healthy, christian, muslim, wickan, jewish, or whatever... you are looking at a person made in the image of God. Until you stop looking and judging by outward appearances, seeking money instead of a lost soul, having ulterior motives when winning the lost (like only doing it to get something from them - like money), threatening and cursing both believers and non-believers... until you turn and change your ways, anyone who practices these things will not be called a child of God.
For those who got offended at what I just said... the fact that you are offended simply proves my point and proves the bible is true. You talk of standing before Christ on 'that day' and laughing at those you have supposedly 'warned' in His name to turn from their 'evil' ways and start paying the Pharahsee's (your church) its money. On that day I will feel terribly ashamed of you and humbled at the awesomeness of God as each of you step in turn before His Throne just to have Him look at you and say, "Depart from me. I never knew you!"
If you are a member of that church and feel fearful that if you step outside of the lines and don't meet a financial goal they have set for you they will turn on you and cry out that you are not following God's will and will go to hell unless you repent from your 'sinful ways'... that feeling you have in the depths of your stomach is the Spirit of God patiently telling you to get out of there! Run from that church and find one that truly practices the love of Christ, not the fear having to buy your way into heaven!! This is truly NOT of Christ. His tenderness knows no bounds! His mercy is beyond our understanding!! Run from that church as if running from a trap set by the enemy... because that is exactly what it is!! Listen to that still small voice inside of you and realize it is God calling out to you to not be fooled. Read the bible if you don't believe me. Compare for yourself what Christ says and teaches against what that church teaches. It's amazing because everything they teach - Christ calls us to run from! The fact that they are condemning and judging people here on earth - especially because of race or a focus on your checkbook - shows nothing but withered fruit! Be not deceived!! Turn and run... you are much more precious to God than that!!
>Dora Denkins, God knows where you live! And so do I!
>The Landover Baptist Church completely turned my life
>around, and I won't listen to you speak any lies
>against it. Before I became a part of the Landover
>Baptist church, I was a God-hating, bulldyke, slut!
>All day long I thought of putting my tongue in womens
>private places. Now, I'm living a God-fearing
>abstinant life. I am saved! If I were you, I would
>check my car before starting it.
>God Praise!
>Miss Ashley .W.
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