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Subject: July 4, 2003 Message from DORA DENKINS

Dora Denkins
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Date Posted: 18:36:00 07/02/03 Wed

A Message From Dora Denkins on July 2, 2003

Hello dear friends in the Lord's many blessings!

We are about to celebrate the birth of our wonderful country once again. I am very proud to be living in the only country that matters and the only country that Jesus still cares about. But with that blessing comes a great burden. President Bush is required to kill many of our brave, handsome boys. I know it is necessary, but it makes me real sad. When that handsome young man was rescued from them Muslim nutsos in his pajamas, it was clear to anyone with eyes that those Muslim crazies didn't allow our service man to wear no undies and it caused his member to swing back and forth when he was running to the helicopters to be rescued. What a glorious, patriotic sight to see such virile American manhood for all the world to marvel at and admire! I know I did. It made me VERY proud to be an American. It also made me cry a bit because it made me realize how many of the American soldiers who are getting killed in Iraq are probably real hotties. I hope that you will join me in saying a prayer for their safe return. We need them here with us! I live in Miami and this place is crawling with Latin trash. We could do with some of those masculine American boys like the one I was talking about. I still think about him often in my prayers to the Lord. If there were anything I could do to make him safe, the Lord knows I would.

Some of you may have heard about my sister, Lurlene. She has always been the wild child since her hubby died back when she was in her 50s. Anyway, she hitched her a ride with some Colored boys in Kentucky (she never had a lick of sense) and was riding in their bright yellow Hummer. Mercy me, those people drive the flashiest cars the Lord ever saw fit to create!

Anyways, according to a woman who used her cellphone to call the state patrol, Lurlene was shoved out of the Hummer when it was driving over 70 MPH. A malt liquor bottle Lurlene had been holding almost hit the poor lady's windshield. It was night and the cars behind her (except this woman who called and her hubby) didn't see Lurlene and they knocked her around the highway, smearing her everywhere. Parts of her are still in folks grills and under their mud flaps cause my brother in law came nowhere near to piecing her together. Needless to say, it has been awful for all of us and I feel like half of me is missing. Lurlene and I always did have a way of empathizing like twins. They still haven't caught them colored fellows, so please say a prayer that they do.

Please learn from Lurlene's horrible experience and don't take no rides from any colored folks this holiday season! No matter how nice they seem. You just never know, do you? God bless all of you!



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Re: July 4, 2003 Message from DORA DENKINSTruly12:25:45 07/04/03 Fri
Dora don't give up! There are lots of handsome real Americans down hereAnglo Miamian12:50:43 07/06/03 Sun
Re: July 4, 2003 Message from DORA DENKINSNikki07:45:47 07/29/03 Tue

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