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Subject: betty bowers

j bryant
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Date Posted: 10:53:19 03/18/02 Mon

betty bowers is just another disfuntional sicko baptist freak. anyone that can get off on harry potter as being satans messenger, & influencing kids really needs to come back to the world of reality. my message to that pathetic bowers bitch is, "it's only a childrens fiction novel you demented excuse for a human being". it is far less harmful to a childs mental stability than the insane ravings of your screwed up money grubbing, driven by pure greed pathetic cult. i would place the bowers bitch cult in the same realm as the totally insane scientoligists. thats about as mentally unstable as you can get in the REAL WORLD. betty claims she is america's best christian. well get a life bitch, you ain't a christian, & never were. you are a mental retard that should have been commited years ago along with all those other sham lying greedy pricks like jessie duplantis, benny hinn, & jerry falwell, to name a few. your breed of currupt hippocrites only exist because there are so many gullable fools out there who are prepared to allow themselves to be fleeced of their savings, through being indoctrinated by your verbal bullshit. i don't see terrorists as being a threat to western values, we can legally kill them! it is evangelists, baptists & all the other fringe maniacs out there that pose a real threat to western society & values & legally under the guise of religion. i will insure that my children are never exposed to your dangerous ravings. but harry potter is just fine, after all he is just a fictional character in a fictional book. any sane person that has a brain that they can call their own knows that, MAGIC & WITCHES AREN'T REAL! but in reflection i guess poor old demented fucked in the head betty believes they are, after all she is the one that is living in la la land.
j bryant

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Subject Author Date
Re: betty bowersT.j.17:44:20 10/02/02 Wed
Re: betty bowersconcerned friend06:48:06 10/17/02 Thu

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