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Subject: Re: You got that right!

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Date Posted: 08:46:30 06/14/02 Fri
In reply to: CarolinaKid 's message, "You got that right!" on 10:35:37 03/17/02 Sun

>They probably cheered when the Twin Towers collasped.
>landover losers!

The 'They' you speak of are obviously very passionate, intelligent people who are so outraged by the atrocities the Christian religion has brought into this world that they felt the need to throw up a number of well-designed websites mocking it. These people are trying to prevent future atrocities by shedding light (albeit humorous and sometimes irrelevant light) on the biggest terrorist of them all -- your fucking GOD!

The people who blew up the world trade center were religious zealots, and they most assuredly laughed when the WTC crumbled to the ground; just like you fucking christians laughed everytime you killed a muslim (or one of them other 'mud' people) during the crusades, or anytime a jew was killed because they wouldn't come over to the 'truest' faith -- I mean c'mon, you folks crucified your own god's son, big whoopsy there, eh?

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You are accursed. Please to report to Shaitan for eternal punishments.Dhul Fiqaar23:03:44 06/14/02 Fri
    Re: You are accursed. Please to report to Shaitan for eternal punishments.Zafira05:54:25 08/17/02 Sat
    Re: You are accursed. Please to report to Shaitan for eternal punishments.mike again11:59:50 09/13/02 Fri

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