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Date Posted: 17:48:42 05/07/01 Mon
Author: Lust
Subject: *Lust screeches in recignition (sry, sp)*
In reply to: Death's Angel 's message, "She snorted>>" on 17:02:01 05/07/01 Mon

*Indeed, dear brother. You knew you would find me one day...yes, indeed, yo should know me. Doublethink, yes, is my brother - in a way. And the things he tells are not lies.* She sighs. *The Lord has not been kind to him. After he became your ememy, The Lord riddled his life with visions. No, he does not lie of what he has seen. Do you not know of his plight? Or do you choose to ignore? Rose, you should know...* he eyes flash with hatred, and she looks into his eyes. *Rose, the one whom I...* Her eyes glitter with hatred. *dislike profusely. I cannot say hate.* She turns to Doublethink, his eyes glazed with rage. *Sister! I see no visions! It is all real...I swear! Do you not remember them all? Fern, then sweetest...and Crimson...* his voice fades as Lust changes him to a mouse. *I truely don't know what to do with him...* she snorts hard, with fury, and life springs once more into her eyes. *Lissen to me, sounding like a Good.* She laughs, changing into a gryffin, and towering over Angel. *I hope you are not to smitten with Doublethink...indeed, though I do not know all of his intentions, the Dark Lord, I believe, did you a great injustice. Doublethink is but a pixel, a tiny piece of the whole picture.* She morphs yet again to unicorn, looking at Knight. *Have you chosen to ignore me? Has The Lord, indeed, given Lordship to you? Or are these things that he has told me through thought, simpley to impress me? I am not sure...but I trust you, though perhaps I should not.* She nudges him, looking in his eyes. She pulls out a Thread, and speaks privetely to Knight. *Do not scare this...Angel. I feel something...great in her. She must be treated with care. Do you not think she has undiscovered Talents? Oh, by the way...Father told me he was coming. Is that one of his lies? Please, if you have any information of Father...tell me.* She cuts the line, picks Doublethink (a mouse) in her teeth, takes him, and sets him on a rock. His ebon coat gleems, and his eye is purple, the color of confusion. *Tell me, oh Angel, is this the noble Doublethink whom you knew? He, in all his Greatness? Now a mouse. Mind you, a very powerful mouse. he would kill me, if not surrounded by a web of magic which I provided. Be aware - do not pitty him. He will bring about your destruction...* She vanishes, but not before giving a Thread to Knight. *For emergencies.* she said perposefully (sp, I no :( lol)

(ooc: did I do ok? Sry, haven't read the book, dunno, I was making it up as I went along. Remember, though: #1 rule of sim games: if u throw a though out, someone will catch it and change it. Trust me, and remember: now you have things to emrich you really-very-too-long-100s-of-pages-story :)

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